Heat Problems please help!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok I have a sterllite cabinet that I modified. The dimensions are 25-3/4" L x 19" W x 35-3/4" H, I'm using one exhaust fan with a cfm of 110, and a pc fan with an intake of 72 cfm, also another small personal fan inside the cab for air movement. My outside temperature around 75f and inside the cab it says 100f, I don't know if my meter is wrong or not but it thats a pretty big jump for a Feliz 250 watt cfl, am I right? Also there is a lot of air movement in the cab, and I can literally touch the bulb with the backside of my hand and its not burning me, but the temp says 100??? Please help!


Well-Known Member
One thing you could try is removing the PC intake fan it may inhibit the exhaust fans effectiveness? You should be able to tell in a short period of time.


Well-Known Member
I should take out the intake fan? I've got an outside fan now circulating the air around the intake fan, which now dropped the temps to 92 degrees..but I'd still like to make it lower. The seedlings don't look like they are being affected by the heat inside the cab since I have a lot of airflow in there. They are taking off pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
are you taking the temps from plant height? or from the top of cab? also are you sucking through a filter? ifso i found if i put the filter on the blowing side of fan that it dropped my temps about 5 degrees further,


Well-Known Member
They are in foam cups right now, I'm taking temps right next to them, so right below plant height, and its been sitting steadily at 90 degrees. I don't have a filter on there yet since they don't smell, and ill have to make a diy carbon scrubber. Also you said you put it on the blowing side of the fan, will that reduce the effectivness of the fan?


Well-Known Member
as above but ive always found that having it on the blowing side reduces my temps a little bit more,