heat problems/nute problems/both???


Well-Known Member
Temps can get as hot as the upper 80's but not too much of the 90's.
Soil p.h is about 6.3 last time i checked
Using m.h
Pic 1 and 2 are think.big white leaf tips but no claw as with nute burn
Pic 3-6 lsd 25 20160405_175349_noexif.jpg20160405_175420_noexif.jpg20160405_175434_noexif.jpg20160405_175448_noexif.jpghas holes and rust looking spots
Pic 7 green crack20160405_175510_noexif.jpg
Pic 8 and 9 are one of lsd-25 leaves a few days ago vs now20160403_182331_noexif.jpg20160405_175434_noexif.jpg


Well-Known Member
Your leaves look over-fed. What are you feeding them? How much?

Claws are mostly a sign for nitrogen toxicity, not nute burn!
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Well-Known Member
Your leaves look over-fed. What are you feeding them? How much?

Claws are mostly a sign for nitrogen toxicity, not nute burn!
These are autos week 4
I feed em once a week
1 gal between all 3 last feed was 702 ppm
5Ml flora grow
4ml flora micro
3Ml flora bloom
5Ml.flora blend

If its over feeding what should i do?
Is that whats causing the holes in your opinion?
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Well-Known Member
Is it boron def?
Come on i need someone who knows they're shit. First timer lotta research (as usual with everyone)
Any help.is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Found bugs but im almost certain thats not the only problem here folks.



Chewed stuff
IMG_20160413_155006_noexif.jpg IMG_20160413_154723_noexif.jpg
Unkown bug. Cant find a match anywhere...
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