Heat output 400w against 600w??

Can anyone help me trying to decide how much more heat my 600w sunmaster bulb will give of comared to my 400w i am running currently is there any guide to how much more heat it will create in small grow room and if i fork out for cool tube can i run it as my only form of extraction from the room its only 70 by 70 by 155 high. I do have seperate inlet fan ofcause. Currently only using 400w standard lamp with inlet and extraction with carbon filter i just think i could get better budding and fuller grow cupboard with 600w in cooltube or can i go without??


Well-Known Member
You do have a seperate ballast for the 600, right?

The 600 will be significantly hotter than the 400. They can have more than double the lumen output, after all.

Cool tubes work in some applications, mostly determined by room size. I could never get my 600 in a cool tube to stay cool enough with the doors closed in the steel cabinet I used. Had to go back to my 400. But the volume of the my flower space was only 30 cubic feet, 3x2x5

The numbers you gave for the room size is in inches, I hope. It would probably work fine in a space that large.
Yeah i have seperate balsat and shade i have 3 250w 400w and 600w i think i may be fighting he same battle as you as sadly not that was cms may be slightly under on estimate of size but only by a tiny bit mine is only just over 5ft high and 3.5ft square down bottom. Do you run your 400w in a cool tube in cabinet or not as currently i am not and no issues but realise how much better output i could get with my 600w running


Well-Known Member
No, the 400 does just fine with doors closed and lots of air movement. It's warm in there to be sure, around 85-88, but unlike most people, that doesn't freak me out. My girls love it warm.

When I get a bigger home, I'll be running the 600 over a setup in my basement, so the skies the limit for me then. Someday I may even get to flower with both of them. Someday.