Heat or Light Stress


Active Member
Temperature was above 29 degrees and a few leafs were burned. A breaker had gone off and the fan was out. New growth now looks like in the picture.
- Soil
- 3 weeks old Feminized White widow
- Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect
- RH = inbetween 50 and 60

I raised the 125watt CFL a bit to about 6" above the plant...

Is this really heat or light stress or does it look like something different?



Thats nute burn your ph might be balanced but it looks like the leaves gobbled the water up quick. My advice lay off the nutes, use water for a week then reintroduce. The biggest issue people have is using nutes just cus they have them if it aint broke dont fix it. Dirt and water and light once that is perfected then experiment.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Yea what ^he said. Not heat cause you dont have the claw. Also make sure you are still checking ph. I have advance nutes 3 part ph perfect line up and ph still screws up sometimes. I dont use it any more tho. Im a ALL ORGANIC GUY NOW. Dont trust that ph perfect shit for a second. Btw Are you getting a nice supply of Cal/Mag? Can you show pic of the whole plant?


Active Member
Yea what ^he said. Not heat cause you dont have the claw. Also make sure you are still checking ph. I have advance nutes 3 part ph perfect line up and ph still screws up sometimes. I dont use it any more tho. Im a ALL ORGANIC GUY NOW. Dont trust that ph perfect shit for a second. Btw Are you getting a nice supply of Cal/Mag? Can you show pic of the whole plant?
Thanks for your help.

What would you recommend for getting a nice supply of Cal/Mag? I also have Adv. Nut. Micro here that contains Calcium and Magnesium.

Here are 2 pics of the whole plant. You can see the tips burned from the fan being out for 8 hours and the temperature getting too hot.



Active Member
I only have a pH digital meter so I can only measure that; I'll do that after the next watering.


New Member
I am sure, that this is a nutrients burn. But there is a slight chance of deficiency. Either way, solution is the same. You just need to flush it with water(Ph 6.6) 3 times the amount of the pot as soon as possible! That should neutralize your grow medium. Than water it with the nutrient mix(1/4 of the recommended dose). Again make sure the Ph of your nutrient mix is 6.6, if not you than you need some Ph up and Ph down solutions.
I would buy PPM meter, they are very affordable!


Active Member
Thanks, I just did all of this and placed the plant back under the lights. I will try Amazon for a PPM meter.


New Member
Ok, good, you should see signs of recovery with in a couple of days. Watch for the progression of leafs damage.
I would put some small fan directly on the plants, to make soil dry faster.
Let your soil dry for a week before watering
Next watering make nutrient solution at 1/2 ratio, always slowly adjust feeding from 1/4 to 3/4. (growth = 1/4, Bloom = 1/2, boost = 3/4).
Let me know if you notice any changes.


Active Member
Thanks again for your help. The plant has recovered. I am running one 125w CFL (the monster size one) for now, and there is also a 2' 4 Bulb T5HO in the tent above seedlings.

I transplanted from the 1 gallon smartpot to the 5 gallon smartpot as well, watered thoroughly with just water.
Tomorrow I will feed with 1/2 strength pH Perfect growth and add some micro for the cal/mag.




Active Member
One week later, seems to have recovered quite well. I have gone to 3/4 strength pH Perfect growth, B-52 and pH Micro.

How does she look?? 1 Feminized White Widow, in a 5 gallon Smart pot, soil.

CFL actual wattage: 1x 125w (6400K), 1x 42w (6500K), 1x 42w (2700K) = total lumens 14,000. I have a 4' T5HO standing by which outputs another 20,000 lumens. That together should be enough for one plant I guess...

Any suggestions?

