Heat issues!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone just looking for some input here the temperature in my grow room is between 28-30c when my light is on is this too hot for my babies? if so anyone have any cost effective ways to reduce heat i have fans already that blow on my light


Well-Known Member
Not sure what that is in degrees but if heat is an issue they have ice cooling portable ac's on eBay for a little over $100, and or you could possibly invest in a air or water cooled HID.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana likes temps between 65-75, keep the door open if you have to. Some strains are more tolerant/sensitive to heat than others, I once flowered a plant at 90 with no mold or burns, just keep an eye on them if you start seeing little burns, crisp leaves or slowed growth you have a issue on your hands.