ok hi what ur using is only a 23watt cfl i know im using four of them with a 43wattCFL(which mean 200watt)
light cycle for vegging 18/6(is proven to be the best but 24/0 also work but i prefer let them sleep a lil bit)
The light is enough for one plant u got enough 23 watt to grow something about wut half a meter? meter? if its sativa?
honestly i think ur using way too much CFL at all....the light that produce those CFL isnt even "good" for ur plant yes its good but i mean by QUALITY...its a weak wattage which mean a low density of light(its two things to have high light but no lumen and one light with ALOT OF LUMEN
IMO the best setup is ...get rid of the over ninethousand light keep 3 put one over it put 2 side light thats it and by the time ur plant is vegging plz god go buy atleast a 200 watt like me CFL one costing 18$ a coated one that fire-prevent(luv them i hate fire as hell so i like coated stuff u can buy the normal oone but for ur life u better pay 2-3more bucks and have a coated one....also making the bulb touchable ^^ can handle even after 18hour of use without any scare of burn wound)
i love ur setup and grow tent but all this stuff is useless at ur stage...explaination...1years ago i was growing in a normal white garbage....a portable garbage nothing...too special....a simple garbage with one CFL 23 watt i could grow my plant easyly until it get is first few leave well i was adding the second 23watt and there we go until it reach the top of the little garbage...i was simply using the height of the garbage with the gravity of the "weight of bulb" and the "lightness of the cable" to simply stand on the wall of the garbage no ty rap anything....simple a light a socket a 2 wired cable(the normal without the ground on it)and a plain stupid little garbage of 3 feet tall and 1 feet wide about the light and encloseement for sleeping??close the garbage with his closing Door?
im not english so grammar police be aware incase some of ya like to argue on anything and fucking annoy peeps
also whats making the room get so hot is because these CFL are way too close i know that CFL is weak and need to be close of the plant but try instead to remove some or make them spraid a bit largeer while having one right on ur plant(1-2inch over it go for 2-3 since u prolly never grown as read u really dont want to kill it)
no nuts as said 2ffirst week or really LITTLE MEAN IT so just go for no nuts aight?
yo for use soil or way to plant a seed i have no idea whats the deal with the reversed pot but anyway ur soil look like dry

not even wet or no idea like the guy said above ???
Wants the basic stuff to grow shit well
grab some Pro-mix soil first and then go for the 20-20-20 of the same Mark "Pro-mix 20-20-20" imo its what making the best for plant EXCEPT ELITE STUFF as Foxfarm...but this is another story
imo go for a 5gallon pro-mix soil(a 5gal bucket only cost 5-7$ at ur store so...dont be cheap and give the best to ur girl)
5gal bucket = 7$
pro-mix(normal 20-20-20) = ultimate size 11$(they got some smaller size too but i like to only go one time at store xD)
some ph stuff
pro-mix soil(a neutral soil where u bring ur own mix of nuts not like MG etc)
and ur in buisiness , Soil is ur important stuff these "weed" like its said its a weed....a weed GROW EVERYWHERE so it make alots of root...also if u use perlite watch out roots grow hard fast ass hell....
so u want ur plant to get A SHITLOAD OF SOIL! also to be able to become a TREE WEED

(joking but well)
oh also instead of only fertilising one time per 2 week i uusually always go for mixed water
i just add less than 3mililiter instead of the regular 5ml per galon at a regular watering and now they are OMG AWSOME in a 2litter bottle of sprite empty(this is for the 20-20-20 if u dont know what i mean 20-20-20 is a fertiliser its like miracle grow(MG is a soil with allready a fert in it but its REAL BAD) but better since MG release it all the time which is bad cuz they get way too nutted and strech hard can die too if ur adding some more fert so
stay in the Pro-mix soil
with the 20-20-20 and 3-4 cfl
and a 5gal bucket with some water Correctly calibrate 5.8-6.5
also on the ph-ing if ur like me and wondering how to calibrate water and fert well u calibrate the watter with ur ph up or down first until u reach this yellowish color (if ur using general hydroponic ph tester the thing for pool) and also re-confirm after adding ur fert and look if it changed if it did add not even bigger than a surface of a nail(nail on ur hands)cuz it do really AFFECT trust me Arm&hammer(lil'cow no idea how u call in english but in french its lil cow)
or some ph down (limon but be aware with limon before adding it do some research effect of limon and how long it take before limon give his full output)
have it helped ya out
on the last touch they look nutted ur plants???did u gave them nuts???btw only water once until the top of ur soil is dry when its dry simply refresh it until it drip by the ashtray slowly add water tho since it take time to get down all this soil u will make a mess with ur ashtray if u overwater ^^ its not dangerous but gay when u work with soil and water in a clean place!soil + water = bad mess ^^ also if u had new soil that is plain dry cuz u lack(eventually u wont have any choice to put in a 5gal otherwise it will die and not reach even is "barely maturity to yield something interresting) well make the soil wet first instead of touching the roots with dry soil take again...a garbage or any item u maybe can use (i use my old garbage that used to be a growing place to mix my soil with water until its soaked wet slowly mixing the soil while adding water SLOWLY or u will make a mess like i said or just....have too much water in the soil for nothing whih is worse making the soil GAIER to play with...Liquid instead of ....creamy or what/ever is the term im not english