Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!


Well-Known Member
IMO I would take off any of the new shoots in that region too.

Completely clean those lower stems of any leaf and new growth.

Leave yourself 3-5 nodes from the growing tips on each branch. Anything below about half way down just trim it off. It will end up being small airy buds anyway.



Well-Known Member
On both of those pics take off the very bottom node on each side.

Take off those little nodes and that's job done!!!!!

With that kind of removal I doubt you'll have anything to worry about now over the next few weeks. Sit back and enjoy!!!!



Well-Known Member
Also don't forget keep nutes the same for the next week for them to recuperate after being butchered. Lol.

It's really hard at first to know a good amount to take off.

I only wish I was around to hold my hand like I'm doing for you. Would have made my life ALOT easier. Lol. Instead I learned by trial and error.



hahaha thanks man!! so both the two bottom adjecent shoots from stem i should snip?..i do appreciate it, ill start calling you the bloody oracle!! nice your passing on info pal ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes those very last small ones just above the coco. They only have a small shoot and small growing tip CUT THEM OFF!

Hey it's no problem really.

After I got busted I didn't think I would come back here. But I like helping others out.



Came home today to find my timer has bloody broke F**king b&q!! from 12am-12pm (dark period) the light etc has not switched off, so theyve had 24hrs light...ive turned them off now although they should be back in light period and gonna give them 24hrs dark to get them back into usual routine otherwise they'd have had 36hrs light...Do you think this will affect them much??? their in day 10 of flower......not happy :(


SAM_0965.jpgSAM_0961.jpgSAM_0963.jpgSAM_0966.jpgThink that purple haze must have been an autoflower that they sent in error, as it was being to bud in 18/6...thats too far ahead for 10 days 12/12 isnt it?


Just to add mate...the other two indicas are only showing a few small pistils with no real development at that point when pics were taken on day 8...What are your thoughts? i do understand its only early...


Well-Known Member
You need a horticultural lighting contactor

Not just a timer. Most standard uk timers will not switch anything over 125w.

Power star 2kw contactor.



Do you think i should trim any leaves off the indicas? will this help with flower production?Day11flower.jpg...all leaves are healthy for your reference pal