Heat from 1200W of 1212's/vero 29's/cxm-22/cxb3590 compared to 2x 600W?

You still believe(d) that your (XTE Royal Blue 57% @ 0.35A.) converts
only 43% of P = Vf*If into heat and - that`s NOT CORRECT.

You dream(ed) about a led chip,that doesn`t produce heat - this is NOT POSSIBLE.

I still believe that a led will always produce heat with a min. @ 57% heat efficacy.
43% /100 *57 = 24,51% for your blue XTE and pretty exactly what i measured with my condom.

You had your driver included in the condom test did you not? What is the efficiency rating of that driver?

Also is there a lens on that royal blue led?

I still believe that a led will always produce heat with a min. @ 57% heat efficacy.

What do you mean by this? 57% of the light from any source is infrared? Also, Im really starting to wonder what you mean when you say "source". Do you mean the LED, or the LED and driver and fans etc that make up the whole lighting design?