Heat and Safety between T5HO and HPS


Active Member
I'm deciding between a T5HO and a HPS system and I'm leaning towards the T5 because I think it's safer and produces less heat. re the T5s safer in terms of fire hazard and reduced heat output than an HPS? My tent is small at 2' x 2' x 5'

I'm deciding between the
2' 6 bulb (24w) T5HO at HTG: http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=49242

and the
HTG supply 250w HPS: http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=47994

I'm not super concerned about bud density and yield. I'm more concerned about safety and heat.

Thanks :)


Active Member
They do work. You must keep them within a few inches of the plant. They bulbs produces max lumens when the air temp is high (higher than the old T8's). This can be a problem in a ventilated space. Local electrical supply houses may sell for less but they're not in the horticultural business. Be sure you get the bulb temps for flowering - 3000k. 54w only advisable. I found a 2 bulb unit for $90 that is better made than my 6 bulb from a cheap manufacturer it is Italian something like Bonettii.

The Waiter

Active Member
If you think you are gonna have heat issues go with the T5 for sure. It stays nice and cool and you can keep it nice and close to your plants. You gotta watch out though. The close proximity of the T5 can cause the plants to grow up in to the light in a fairly short amount of time so make sure you're checking on your plants in a consistent and frequent manner. However the HPS is more capable of producing denser buds if used correctly. How many plants are planning on putting under this T5/ HPS?


Well-Known Member
T5 put out heat. Don't let anyone fool you about that. Same with CFL. What you don't get is super concentrated heat in one place, like with an HPS, but they do put out heat. The top of my two foot, four bulb T5 gets pretty darn hot.


Well-Known Member
Weird cause my 4 bulb 2 footer is not hot at all when I touch mine...maybe just warm to the touch? And I have it holding up a blanket....

The Waiter

Active Member
Ya I gotta agree with lildude my 4 Bulb 96W T5 barely puts out any heat at all. I would say it puts out warmth if anything lol. But either way its definitely not enough heat to need ventilation unless you're growin in a cab type setup.