Heart Attack Kush


I've been smoking for a year and a half now, non stop, all the time. Never have I had any real negative effects from it, other than slight paranoia when I was new to it. I love getting ripped out of my mind or fucked up on whatever I can (I've become a psychonaut in the last year or so). Last Friday my friend and I decided to pick up our Friday Quarter ounce like always, but our dealer had to pick up. He said he'd throw us an 8th gram if we rode him to his guy. So we get there, and his guy refuses to come over. He is apparently a schizophrenic, so he was afraid we were gonna kill him or something... Eventually he came over and ran off. We eventually got our shit and went back to my boys house.

We each take three tokes out of a nice bubbler and instantly we are ripped. I noticed this weed speeds up my heart more than any others. My mouth was VERY dry, my eyes were BLOODSHOT (I don't get red eyes off of any strain), and I was unbelievably detached from reality. The buds are very dark blue/purple and are covered in red/brown hairs. The scent is very earthy.

A few days later, even after having smoked a 1 G joint days prior, we were back to three rips. I had a very uncomfortable body high and felt like I was actually having a heart attack. My anxiety was skyrocketing, and I was hallucinating like crazy. Never has anything like this happened off marijuana, not even synthetic weed. I was able to calm myself down after my friend told me this has happened to him many times, but I didn't know what to believe.

I'm smoking more of it tonight, I mean we gotta kill the last 2 G's, but my question is, is this shit LACED? Or was it an anxiety attack in response to a really heavy indica?


Staff member
youre having anxiety attacks, it happens, dont more anymore of it, that would just be stupid


For sake of personal experimentation I will be smoking more of it, but I'll be taking probably 2 big rips instead of 3. Oddly enough I was able to smoke hash on top of this bud but I can't smoke this bud alone.


Well-Known Member
Yeah like sunni said sounds like just anxiety, I imagine if you smoke more, taking your time smoking little by little, you'll get used to the strength and it'll no longer be a problem


It's strange tho... You take three hits and feel like you've been walking around a desert for 12 hours. This bud rather than getting you highly simply fucks you up, and only that. It's so damn powerful.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's strange tho... You take three hits and feel like you've been walking around a desert for 12 hours. This bud rather than getting you highly simply fucks you up, and only that. It's so damn powerful.
Can you, by chance, remember or find out the name of that strain? I would love to have a go at it. :p


Staff member
For sake of personal experimentation I will be smoking more of it, but I'll be taking probably 2 big rips instead of 3. Oddly enough I was able to smoke hash on top of this bud but I can't smoke this bud alone.
well youre pretty fucking stupid but whatever man lol whatever floats your boat i guess


Staff member
I just choked on some ice water while reading this. Damn you, sunni! LOL
well anexity is mental yes i know but it has PHYSICAL symptoms ive gottan a clasped lung because of it because i decided to PUSH myself and do something i shouldnt have

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
well anexity is mental yes i know but it has PHYSICAL symptoms ive gottan a clasped lung because of it because i decided to PUSH myself and do something i shouldnt have
Ouch! I bet that was extremely painful and terrifying.


well youre pretty fucking stupid but whatever man lol whatever floats your boat i guess
...Hence why I said Two hits rather than three.

Anyway I gave it another go and noticed the pounding heart. Did not cause anxiety this time around though, it is a much better daytime smoke.
No idea what the strain name is, but my friend and I just decided to call it 'Fuck'.


Active Member
For sake of personal experimentation I will be smoking more of it, but I'll be taking probably 2 big rips instead of 3. Oddly enough I was able to smoke hash on top of this bud but I can't smoke this bud alone.
try to smoke and engage in a fun activity like hiking or painting or whatever
if you just sit it out things can go awry
do something else and your mind won't so focused on how high you are