Hear Theres some rain coming for you Northern Calif guys !


Well-Known Member
gettin prepared today! more trellis is goin up plan ahead guys don't get caught with broken branches cause they suck!


Well-Known Member
I am still waiting for the Sun to come out. Dam Oregon. Oh well we have great summers when it does decide to show up.


Well-Known Member

Last summer, I cancelled an entire grow due to drought conditions in this area by May, now I'm dumping compost as opposed to hauling water...

Yay rain!


Well-Known Member
u norcal guys pray for it now but curse it latter in the fall.... a lot of u guys up there even harvest before those fall rains coming even if ur plants need longer... the fear of mold and mildew has yall shook...


Well-Known Member
That was my mistake last year the express let's hope I can hold off this year that and my grow spots were a little sketchy so I harvested a tad early.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
u norcal guys pray for it now but curse it latter in the fall.... a lot of u guys up there even harvest before those fall rains coming even if ur plants need longer... the fear of mold and mildew has yall shook...
Hehe. Yeah I'll be loosing sleep and pricing tarps over a 20% chance of rain in October.


Well-Known Member
I don't pray for rain that's why I got creeks with runnin water yr round, last yr it didn't rain at all till nov n I was happpppy hopefully this is It no more rain (sorry people who need it lol)


Well-Known Member
No mold problems here i hear that some strains are mold resistant an a little bit of rain doesn't hurt as long as you go out and shake off the extra water, and im looking for pure indicas so we can harvest earlier. Whaaat? Indicas? Yeeeaboiii we got it held down out where im from


Well-Known Member
u norcal guys pray for it now but curse it latter in the fall.... a lot of u guys up there even harvest before those fall rains coming even if ur plants need longer... the fear of mold and mildew has yall shook...
our strains were breed in a rain storm and fog bank on the coast of maine a lot of water in late sept to mid oct , bring it on we love it and so do the plants mold isn't an issue with us anytime lol...


Well-Known Member
our strains were breed in a rain storm and fog bank on the coast of maine a lot of water in late sept to mid oct , bring it on we love it and so do the plants mold isn't an issue with us anytime lol...
This... I have a few of his strains running now and I am not worried at all that they will be able to withstand the weather here. It's nothing like what you guys get in other areas though. Love the valley sometimes. :)


Well-Known Member
Its been sprinkling for a few hours today already. I think most of the rain is coming in the morning. The plabts are going to love it! Then back to high 90's next week!!!


Active Member
Hey nor cal fam.

Are these couple of gloomy days gonna make the girls flower? It's been over cast here today. And yesterday it was cloudy and random spots of sunshine. I now see that tomorrow calls for more rain and cloudy skies. With it breaking clear and sunny buy Wednesday.

Anyhow. I'm just trippin because I don't want ANY rain! You guys are crazy. Free water? Thats retarded. Yeah it's rain water but I'll take having to water using my own water any day over some clouds keeping my girls from getting the sun they crave.

I don't have to pay for water anyway. I get it for free from my well, and an under ground aquifer. :)