Healthy Looking plants are drooping? wtf? pics


Active Member
Hey guys I am having a slight issue.... my healthy looking plants are drooping.

Here's my setup:
-Canna coco
-7.2 mL/g canna coco A and B
-6 mL/g cannazyme
-just cut out rhizotonic
-2 mL/g calmag+ every other week.... had a slight deficiency last week
-pH is @ 5.8
-Temp is 80.0 F @ 1400 ppm CO2
-Humidity is 50-60%
-3 fans in the room
-2 1000w lights, 1 hps and 1 mh, all in vegetative

This is not due to over or under watering.... I am doing it like I always do and have never had this problem. I just turned on the other 1000w and put the co2 back on about two days ago. That is the only change. What is going on? I would prefer replies from people who have had this issue and know how to fix it. Also please read my setup carefully before replying


Well-Known Member
Are you aerating the res inside the room? Could be putting co2 in your water instead of o2.. Just a stab.

How long have they been like this?


Active Member
Well they are in coco.... I dont think I need larger containers. They are only about 15 inches tall. My reservoir is bubbled with air but in a different room. They are still drooping this morning. I think they have been like this since sunday


Active Member
Shot in the dark but since you had a slight calmag def before it could still be recovering.
The only reason I say this is because those leaves seem to have that ruffled look they tend to get when the mag goes low but before they start deforming.
A shot of Epsom salt would clear it up quick if that really is it.


Active Member
What ended up being the problem was a lack of nutrients. I bumped up the ppm significantly and they recovered very well. I'll post pictures soon. I would like to warn all canna coco users to watch for mg deficiency.... I have to supplement with sea-mag.... calmag+ doesnt seem to be doing the trick