health care professionals and the use of marijuana


Active Member
Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone knows any health care professionals that use marijuana themselves? I know that people won't just come out and say that they do, esp if they are a HCP. I was mainly wondering about doctors and pharmacists. I'm sure employers would freak out if they knew, because of the liability/errors that the employee may make while working high. My rationale is just because they use it doesnt mean they use it at/before work. Just like alcohol. Just because someone can buy alcohol doesnt mean they do it at work. I hope this is clear enough. I guess in summary, my question is does anyone know any HCPs in the US that use marijuana reguarly with or without a medical marijuana prescription. Any concerns or issues that have happened to someone you know? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
How many surgeons would go to work on a patient whilst drinking or being drunk on whiskey?
How many surgeons would go to work on a patient after smoking 10 spliffs?
Its not a good reason to ban whiskey or marijuana.

Mari-juana is illegal for more reasons than you know and money and political power will never make it legal.
They will never give it to anyone except medical patients and only a fool would go to work stoned out of his headbongsmilie


Active Member
How many surgeons would go to work on a patient whilst drinking or being drunk on whiskey?
How many surgeons would go to work on a patient after smoking 10 spliffs?
Its not a good reason to ban whiskey or marijuana.

Mari-juana is illegal for more reasons than you know and money and political power will never make it legal.
They will never give it to anyone except medical patients and only a fool would go to work stoned out of his headbongsmilie
I understand that they will not work while on it. I guess I am more concerned with how they deal with smoking it when they don't work and how they don't alert the employer. Since its safer than alcohol, they shouldn't be concerned. Do dr. and rph have to deal with drug testings constantly? More or less what I was looking for is does anyone know any hcps that continue to smoke after college, etc and precautions thats they must take to keep legality and employment issues down? I imagine gathering this information will come from people who know hcp's that smoke. I figured that maybe someone from RIU may know someone in healthcare.


Active Member
hold on.
now that ive smoked bongsmilie :bigjoint: :eyesmoke:
I reformated my question.

Does anyone know any health care professionals that smoke cannabis reguarly without a prescription?
Obviously don't call someone out.

Maybe I explained this already but it seemed I needed to better. Maybe I'm just too high to realize that what I just said may have been said earlier ;-)bongsmilie