Sorry this will be long.
Currently the Lp's have pushed hard to crush or buy out micro's. In recent past a push to make micro's pay more in legal fees kept common growers out of the market. The options for them to avoid using irradiation are viable but so far there is a push to continue to irradiate the majority of cannabis. Irradiating is what kills the end product. Some of the lp's are looking at sprays like harvest Miracle and other such copper sulfate mixes. When health Canada started to allow lp's to use sprays the government was saying they were now open to "try" and increase quality. More independent Micro's are needed. I am working with a few Canadian investors to build independent micros that by design wont sell out to lp's . Initially this will all be about market share and some new currently uninforcable rules for medicals. It will continue this way until the new surveillance systems are tighter. Once surveillance is tighter they will chase people down digitally. Up to another 6 years from now.
In Canada, British Columbia has been the strongest hold out. Right now telus is building a door by door surveillance system across British Columbia. Street corners and anywhere they can they are building surveillance infrastructure. I have friends building this network and a few friends who work at telus. Another friend wired the police directly to the mainframes that all the local data flows through. They will surveil your home by breaking in setting up illegal cameras and audio, then they wait for something juicy. Then they ask the judge for forgiveness of their "evil" ways and get a warrant. I get this information from electricians, tech's, and cops that realize after 3 years they are stuck and want out. You dont need a tinfoil hat to know this info.
Building micros and lp's for the sake of protecting the market can be done. Group buying with a focus to build all buyers into the market as a group. Not being owned by a lp or some finanace group. Using the structure the government built to kick their teeth in, can work. Food producing and milk producing Farmers are having to come together and try and protect themselves. The final goal of the "elite" or governement slackers like justin is to kick people out of farming. The plan is to use robots like Plenty is doing. They are also co-opting the vegan movements to popularize the destruction of meat farming. The poor little people can eat fake cellulose food and the elite can eat the western diet.