Heads up on Uber Food


Well-Known Member
Just did a run through adding the free samples of Uber Food I got, using the Foliar Delivery Spray (basically a wetter) and Pyyro K (bloom boost) oh and used the RNA once during veg. http://www.ubergrow.com/products/

Did that on top of my usual Plant Magic Old Timer Organic + soil supreme with bat guano and some tings, always have a beautiful end result, great taste smell and yield. Oh and using GHS TW which i've grown out aplenty.

So the Pyyro K is a foliar bloom boost used with the wetter during flower. It seemed great. I stopped 2 weeks before chop even though the schedule said to continue using it, and I gave it pure water till end (normally I don't as I go fully organic) - although there was still a top dress of bat guano.

After I chopped, as usual I slow dried the TW. At this point it has cured for just one week.

EVERYTHING TASTES LIKE SHIT. LIKE PURE ROBO-DIARRHEA. No but seriously it's like near unsmokeable, and its not the lack of cure, it isn't crackling or anything when smoked it just tastes like pure chemical filth, kinda like that dirty bitter stuff you put on your nails when you want to stop biting them.

I would advise anyone to never use this stuff, it RUINS your crop...


Well-Known Member
Ohh. Just saw these comments... That would explain a lot.

Weird tho, I thought the Pyyro K was meant to be used with the F-D-S foliar delivery system stuff, that's what the online schedule says.

What a load of wank and shit.

anyways i left some of it to cure for much longer and it the bad taste faded although it was a bit weird still.


I don't know what's going on with that website, but this is the one I was directed to www.ubergrower.com - a lot more info there.

The samples I was given also had a 1-part nutrient. Not gonna lie, I was SHOCKED at how well it worked :clap::shock::eyesmoke: Usually 1-parts are just some stanky-ass goop, I actually used the whole bottle, instead of the usual clump of crap sitting on the bottom third - ya I'm talkin' to you Flora Nova :cuss: LOL. It's one bottle for both grow and flower.

I used the Pyyro K too, in my RES :p just teasing man :cool:

I'll post a pic once I figure out how to upload :wall: