"he died for your freedoms"


New Member
hey seedling... YOU NOR NONE of the military "protect my freedom"

keep talking that shit while we continue losing our freedom. All through the enslavement of our banking system


Well-Known Member
The Armed services is a JOB, boys.
It is funny how people view it as other.
It's voluntary. Volunteers don't get payed. But, our servicemen do..so, it's a JOB!
Regardless if you believe the Military fights for our Freedoms or not.
They selected to join.
I did my service to our nation and I'm damn proud of it.

Got to love those people who have never served.... Living in their bubble.
Just all talk. Just like those how yak politics. But, never vote.


Well-Known Member
They preserved your life, your freedom to live, by taking the fight to the mother land and being proactive, instead of reactive like we were on 9/11. Reactive mode don't cut it, buddy. Just how many times can you tolerate terrorists destroying our lives and property?? Closing your eyes to terrorism doesn't make it go away, closing your eyes to terrorism helps it get stronger.

"You can pay me now or pay me later."

You see, this is exactly what I am saying, that excuses are being formulated for our countrymen dying. You offer an excuse for an entire war, that we are "taking the fight to the motherland" exept that we were told there were WMD in that "motherland" and there were not. We were told that we were establishing a democracy there - a far cry from "protecting our freedoms" even if it had worked as touted. I see, unfortunately that you have accepted those excuses in the same way we are to excuse our soldiers being killed because they are "protecting our freedom". I will ask again, what freedoms of ours were protected by invading another country under false pretenses and what exactly would that country have done to separate me from my freedom in this country?

If we are as in love with our freedom as I hope we are, then the death of 3000 in a terrorist attack should have no effect upon our freedom. In fact however it did, not because of anything the terrorists did but because of our over reaction to their acts of violence.

You are still not telling me which freedoms soldiers are dying to protect.


New Member
im waiting to hear what freedoms are being protected too. Obama resigning the patriot act multiple times, the NDAA, guantanamo bay, unconsitutional wars with no approval from congress or the people... (mitt and obama agree with all these)


Well-Known Member
The reality is that your freedoms are protected by our military on a daily basis. If not for our military another country would be taking over our country. You might as well consider our country to be like Nazi Germany was in the past, for all you know. The Nazis could be kicking in your front door at 3 in the morning and killing you and your family. You're f'n clueless!
The Armed services do not protect American freedoms, they protect American interests.


Well-Known Member
im waiting to hear what freedoms are being protected too. Obama resigning the patriot act multiple times, the NDAA, guantanamo bay, unconsitutional wars with no approval from congress or the people... (mitt and obama agree with all these)
What war did congress not approve? They voted and approved operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.


New Member
What war did congress not approve? They voted and approved operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

sure they did. AFTER sanctions were passed and troops invaded

as for yemen, libya and now jordan? nothing

they get away with it because they don't declare it as "war" no matter how many civilians die through covert drone strikes and black ops. It's always an "intervention" just like the UN always calls these things "peace treaties"

the objective to seeing these things clearly is learning to decipher government language


Well-Known Member
I will ask again, what freedoms of ours were protected by invading another country under false pretenses and what exactly would that country have done to separate me from my freedom in this country?

If we are as in love with our freedom as I hope we are, then the death of 3000 in a terrorist attack should have no effect upon our freedom. In fact however it did, not because of anything the terrorists did but because of our over reaction to their acts of violence.

You are still not telling me which freedoms soldiers are dying to protect.
You just don't get it. Freedom is a state of being. It is free to roam when and where you want. It means having a relatively safe place to live. It means there is no bombs hitting your neighborhood. You are FREE here in this country. You have freedom because you have a military that can defend against enemies.

You're also not getting that it is not good enough to simply sit back in our chairs and wait for an attack to come to us. We have to remain proactive, and that means taking the fight to them. You want a war in your neighborhood?


Well-Known Member
sure they did. AFTER sanctions were passed and troops invaded

as for yemen, libya and now jordan? nothing

they get away with it because they don't declare it as "war" no matter how many civilians die through covert drone strikes and black ops. It's always an "intervention" just like the UN always calls these things "peace treaties"

the objective to seeing these things clearly is learning to decipher government language
I am amused by the fact that all these people were elected by us, and yet we want to share none of the responsibility. Everything that's been happening lately, is nothing new. Not saying I'm a fan of it, but people keep electing the same idiots.


New Member
just because they're "elected by us" doesn't grant them immunity from the law....and they break the highest law of the land, the consitution, on a regular basis

the fact that they've buchered it as much as they have is not an excuse either, that it's "no longer the law of the land"


New Member
the funding of these wars comes through loans made by the central bank, not tax payers. That's why we're in so much debt....the loans and interest accumulated from said loans, for wars

Article 1, section 8, clause 5 of the constitution: Congress shall have the sole authority to coin the money supply. The dollar was backed by gold, they destroyed that. The bretton woods agreement, they destroyed that. The IMF is also in direct violation of the consitution

if this single constitutional crime wasn't enacted and continued by our representatives, they wouldn't have the financial means to invade countries unjustly


Well-Known Member
just because they're "elected by us" doesn't grant them immunity from the law....and they break the highest law of the land, the consitution, on a regular basis

the fact that they've buchered it as much as they have is not an excuse either, that it's "no longer the law of the land"
You're missing my point. This has been going on since before these wars now. Our SOCIETY as a whole, keeps letting it happen. The Dems and the Repubs both keep doing the same shit. Yet, who do 99% of people vote for?


Well-Known Member
You are still not telling me which freedoms soldiers are dying to protect.
Political freedom

Political freedom (also known as political autonomy or political agency) is a central concept in Western history and political thought, and one of the most important (real or ideal) features of democratic societies.[SUP][1][/SUP] It has been described as a relationship free of oppression[SUP][2][/SUP] or coercion;[SUP][3][/SUP] the absence of disabling conditions for an individual and the fulfillment of enabling conditions;[SUP][4][/SUP] or the absence of lived conditions of compulsion, e.g. economic compulsion, in a society.[SUP][5][/SUP] Although political freedom is often interpreted negatively as the freedom from unreasonable external constraints on action,[SUP][6][/SUP] it can also refer to the positive exercise of rights, capacities and possibilities for action, and the exercise of social or group rights.[SUP][7][/SUP] The concept can also include freedom from "internal" constraints on political action or speech (e.g. social conformity, consistency, or "inauthentic" behaviour.)[SUP][8][/SUP] The concept of political freedom is closely connected with the concepts of civil liberties and human rights, which in democratic societies are usually afforded legal protection from the state.


New Member
Take our current president...who campaigned on the platform that he'd end ALL the wars IMMEDIATELY, end guantanamo bay, wouldn't re-sign the patriot act, would end corporate lobbying in washington and that his cabinet would all be "new guys with no corporate ties", file charges against bush for war crimes, the list goes on

the people voted for obama because he promised these things

so when he didn't (most people don't look into political funding, media/banking control, the Prez Commission on Debates, etc...)

no. I can't blame my fellow country men who were lied to


New Member
i do blame the older generation more than the younger generation

and i do blame the younger generation, my age group, as well

because we've all been "awake" and through enough elections to see the 2 headed one party corruption at face value

and I STRONGLY blame these assholes with this "libertarians don't have a chance, so i'll vote for a D or R cuz it's my only chance"

bullshit. if you have some faith left in the electoral process, you'd vote 3rd party. no excuse justifies voting against your conscience.


Well-Known Member
i do blame the older generation more than the younger generation

and i do blame the younger generation, my age group, as well

because we've all been "awake" and through enough elections to see the 2 headed one party corruption at face value

and I STRONGLY blame these assholes with this "libertarians don't have a chance, so i'll vote for a D or R cuz it's my only chance"

bullshit. if you have some faith left in the electoral process, you'd vote 3rd party. no excuse justifies voting against your conscience.
I have the opposite perspective on it, I guess. I hold the elected responsible, but if the majority of the electorate hasn't figured it out by now it's only through pure laziness. That being said, I do see where your coming from.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is unqualified to comment on this, it is the people who believe any entity besides the US government is a threat to the freedoms of the US citizen. They need you to have an "enemy" in order to justify taking those freedoms.


Well-Known Member

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home." ~James Madison