HD Video of some type of bugs on my Lemon Skunk while it is young. Pics also.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, these bugs are not what you would call an infestation yet. But I was hoping to kill them off before they do more damage or multiply. I have neem oil, but I guess it would be used as more of a preventive measure than a killer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also my babes are in DWC under T-5 Fluros. Sorry It would not let me upload the Video. Here is the Link. http://youtu.be/ya1GbTTEjJA.

Thanks everyone. 2012-10-27-073.jpg20121027_112024.jpg20121027_112053.jpg20121027_112114.jpg20121027_112147.jpg20121027_112213.jpg20121027_144448.jpg20121027_144635.jpg20121027_144757.jpg


Definitely Thrips. I used "Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad" and "Safer Insect Killing Soap" mixed together and eradicated them after just two sprays. Both products a safe and organic.