then get your shit together quit fucking up and research a job in alaska n start talking to your po now saying how you found this job thats going to get you away from all your negative influences and make you a bunch of money so you can pay big on your fines etc....ok Punk ill listen to you this time haha but i realy would love to go to Alaska i have always wanted to go there am a bit of a tree huger haha. but yea .....
Well am checking out this Alaska deal but i found a really sweet one this could actually be very fun it starts May 21st do soo this may be a problem but i really wanna do this so ill talk to my PO.
Thank you so much pink but if i go to this i wont be able to see my mom this summer in turkey and that also is a big thing because she is realy the only family i have as in blood family and i only get to see her 1 time a year.
Damn i miss her after my pops passed away iv grown very fond of her well i guess even more.
wow after reading what i wrote it was find overboard into my life sorry ..delete delete delete.
its cool hazy i just want you to grow up to be a good boy so one day when your in your late 20's ill think you are something else...
no your sensitive I dont think bad of you I meant like heres this guy in his late 20s that i met who hit on me and told me all about what a bull he is and look how charming and mature and level he is wow what a bout that bull now??