first i hope that Mikado works out well for you. i hope my mikados germ when it's time. they are old now as many of my cultivars i had high hopes for are.
your absolutely correct many go after the latest and greatest and forget the older stuff.
frankly i like that because it makes it a bit more easier to grab the older stuff i like if it's still around

ironically you mentioned KC brains. I HAVE HEARD GOOD AND BAD STUFF ABOUT HIS STRAINS FOR MANY YEARS. from what i recall many that carried it had old stock and got bad germ rates. some growers loved the nice ones they got while others thought they sucked.
that is why i passed on them and went after other gear that got better reviews. ijs
let those plants die if you need to to make good viable baby watermelon seeds. some won't do it for some reason but most will if you leave them on the mom long enough. that 6 week time table does work for certain strains. but imho i rather go by the seeds showing maturity than a time table to do so. just my .5 cents not much i know
i will mos def keep my eyes peeled for your updates on the mikado. how much experience do you have with it or is this your first go with mikado. federation flowering time says 45 days and hazeman says 56 days. that's of interest to me.
from thc farmer i saw this
now i see this tidbit of info for the first time associated with mikado
Jan 20, 2015 post
A lot of things Emery said didn't add up back then and still don't. Not saying he was lying but he was a salesman. Breeder Steve worked with/for Federation before parting ways and forming SOL. When asked about Mikado he said this, " Mikado= Sweet Tooth". I've seen similarities but 2 distinct flavors have me scratching my head on that theory.
Jan 21, 2015 post
SAPPPremium MemberSupporter
Mota is right it is Sweet tooth or a remake of, i believe Breeder Steve was a little pissed about this. (that was my initial guess lol)
what about this singe leaf pheno of Mikado ? do you know anything about that?
i heard of it before but totally forgot util reading that thread. i never did get any real info concerning it though. when i heard of that i don't even think i had mikado then in the vault.