Hazeman Seeds

Me to I am running a couple of his crosses right now.
which ones have you run that are standouts were buying. that's why i'm in this thread to see pics of the strains. since i know ur trustworthy i ask u. yes, I'm stoned cold bulldog from overgrow and original pg b4 the fall.
I have a hazeman “headband” in flower. Not sure the genetics? I’ve read headband bx (urkle x loompas hb) x loompas hb, but loompas hb is supposedly a cut. Maybe the male is loompas yeti og? Who knows? She stinks so I don’t care. I’ll throw up some pics when she starts putting out
All of those males towered over the squat females and were upwind. I helped some by light taps with a long piece of bamboo stake. There are pretty clearly two phenos, one shorter and one taller. My recommendation is to top these at least once. I topped about 2/3 of the plants a single time to see clear differences.

Here are some of the ladies

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Some 88g13hp with wild colors going on as we dip into the high 30's here. I am moving all the ladies indoors to wrap up.

As I was snapping pics and making sure most was bug-free I found a friggin budworm that was eating seeds!

Well, former budworm...

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Some 88g13hp with wild colors going on as we dip into the high 30's here. I am moving all the ladies indoors to wrap up.

As I was snapping pics and making sure most was bug-free I found a friggin budworm that was eating seeds!

Well, former budworm...

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Nice, I have 2 88 G 13 hash plants flowering right now that have been flowering for 39 days. my last run I had two different 88 G13 and I kept the one that had stronger branches, it also had better flavor and it also had a better High. The one that I did not keep had weaker branches and stretched a little bit more than the one I kept. by weaker I mean they sort of swayed in the wind / Breeze and could not hold its own weight. Again, nice plants.
Has anyone grown out the sour grapes v1? I was confused which one to get is that the closest to the original?im wondering cause i just sent out for them.

I'm not exactly sure which ones I ran, I think they may have been F2's. They were labeled "sour grapes" but when I ordered them I requested what he had labeled as "grape Stomper cut AKA Sour grapes X Sour Grapes" which I believe would make them F2's?

Either way I popped 8 of them, 7 germinated. 3 of the 7 ended up being male which I used all 3 for my open pollen project. The remaining 4 were all female. All 4 females had a grape terpene profile. In terms of strength and 10 being utterly pungent, 1 of the phenos was a 3-4, 2 of the phenos were in the 5-6 range and one of the phenos was a 7-8 range in terms of terp strength. The terpenes themselves were more of an artificial sweet grape smell, similar to a grape slushie or grape candy however 1 of the females was very light grape smelling and had more of a "kushy" smell with a mix of lemonade. All of them smelled very similar but with some slight differences on the undertone of the terps.

Of the 4 females, 2 were very tall and 2 were mid size plants, where there was about 1' difference between the tallest and the shortest plants. The tallest pheno was very lanky and had the smallest buds, where the shorter females really stacked well.

Since they were used for a seed project, I didn't end up smoking any of the female flowers but all 4 of the females were extremely frosty and covered in trichomes.

Here are pics of all 4 female phenos, and a close up of the buds of Pheno #4 which would be the one I would use for future breeding projects.
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you grow your way I’ll grow mine

I veg under 5k for a reason, and bloom under 3k. Lights are 10” above @ 400ppfd for my seedlings/ them long stems do seem fill the roots faster.... and then they seem to rocket....
its all about the roots when there babies...

I prefer to grow sticks of bud,
heres last run @ 42 days

last run i cut n train um early, they had 4 tops already by this point, then @ 4 weeks flip&transplant , a bit unorthodox maybe,no time growing bunch of leaves, but its fast
dude wtf sheesh feel free to pm me and kindly give me a detailed tutorial of what you do. i'm all for evidence and u shining son mos def. thx.
Just made my first purchase of hazeman seeds. I’m shocked that it took me this long, awesome genetics and priced well. I grabbed a pack of each
Elephant stomper
La pure kush f2
Sour grapes cut

Christmas coming in March this year
i still haven't pulled the trigger but i will. other stuff is ahead of haZEMAN GEAR TO MAKE SURE I CAN GET IT AND NOT NEED TO CRY lol.