Hay smell


Active Member
Hey please i need some help here,
i have harvest my lowryders#2 at day 63 from seed,
i have cut them and trim them a little (i didn't cut all the small leaves that are on the buds because they have crystals and they are not huge buds size) i leave them 4 days in dark cool place 50% humidity/ 70 fahrenheit with ventilation and the buds turned very cripsy with stems bending
after that i have put them in jars for 3 days now and the smell is like hay not very strong smell at all and the buds when i open the jars every 12 hours they are not wet :( and they are crumble
what can i do to have a smell sweet and nice like dealers bud?


Well-Known Member
It can take weeks in the jar to develop that nice taste, and smell.

Each and everyday open em up for a few minutes. Curing brings out the real deal.

Patience is a must when growing Cannabis :wink:


Active Member
thank you dude!
i am worrying a little because my first harvest end with no smell and tasty (but maybe because i had shitty seeds) or probably i have cut them to early
i hope with time to get better
is that normal that smell like hay and not very strong smell in the beggining of cure?


Well-Known Member
thank you dude!
i am worrying a little because my first harvest end with no smell and tasty (but maybe because i had shitty seeds) or probably i have cut them to early
i hope with time to get better
is that normal that smell like hay and not very strong smell in the beggining of cure?
Normal as can be... The cure will bring out the best in dat bud :)


Active Member
That's very cool :D the smoke is very high and stoney hehe and if it goes nice with taste and smell will be perfect :D
thank you very much my friend ;)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
you did flush them before harvest right? If not especially if grown in soil your going to have a smell and taste like what nutes they took. In soil a good 7 day flush fixes that then cut hang to dry when stems snap then into the jars open twice a day for 10 minutes. keep in cool dark are while curing cure for at least 10 days for minimal cure but 30 to 90 is best


Active Member
im thinkin maybe that smell should burst out regardless if dried right.....from what i read and know.

i have got the hay results in the past. but on my last grow i had a lil better area to dry....got some nice smellin budz. just needed to flush a lil better......i was new to flushing.


Active Member
sorry i forget to write that i had flushed it 8 days before harvest with lukewarm ph adjusted water x3 of my pot size :) and i have used only organic fertilizers
i am doing as you say the only wrong i did is that the main stems was bending but they looked too dry and cripsy outside and i put them in jars :( i hope to not destroy buds smell with this mistake
right now the smell is little hay not intense the smoke is not harsh but with no good taste...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The outsides of the buds may seem like crunch ready for dust but the stem and inner buds hold a ton of water. thats why you use the stem snap thats when the center is dried and when you jar any last bit of moisture will even out the buds to a perfect mositure for smoking


Active Member
wow many thanks you are really good explained to me
now what will happen? should i remove them from the jars until the stem snap?


Well-Known Member
it sounds like u over dried your weed, do u have any pics? If its over dried u can try putting some fan leaves off other plants you have, if you dont have other plants try using orange peels, in the jar with the weed, the moisture from said addatives in the jar will be slowly absorbed by the weed increasing its moisture content. Dont leave the stuff inside the jar too long though as it can encourage mold growth


Active Member
it's lowryder#2 joint doctors saied is fully rippen at 63day from seed and the buds are mature enough most pistils got redish colour i will upload some photos
is it possible to overdry them in 7-8 days from harvest?
here some pics before put them in jars



Active Member
Hey please i need some help here,
i have harvest my lowryders#2 at day 63 from seed,
i have cut them and trim them a little (i didn't cut all the small leaves that are on the buds because they have crystals and they are not huge buds size) i leave them 4 days in dark cool place 50% humidity/ 70 fahrenheit with ventilation and the buds turned very cripsy with stems bending
after that i have put them in jars for 3 days now and the smell is like hay not very strong smell at all and the buds when i open the jars every 12 hours they are not wet :( and they are crumble
what can i do to have a smell sweet and nice like dealers bud?
You know when you see those nugs from the dealer, and they aren't really fluffy, but like a smooth outside around the whole thing and it looks amazing? Well this is how you go about doing that.
This is the type of cure / dry im going to do with my blueberry to get maximum scent and taste. Chop down, trim, cut down into nugs and lay them down in a closet with a fan. Don't point the fan at the buds. Rotate them every 3 hours. While it's wet and laying down, it will make it smooth on the outside when finished curing. Rotate enough so that they are not flat, but evenly smooth on the outside. Do this for 2 days. Next I am going to put them into brown paper bags and close the bags for 3 hours at a time then stir them up and open them for an hour. Do this for 1-2 days. With stems still bendy, put them into jars, and burp them daily. This cure will make it so you have beautifully smelling, tasting buds that will be extremely smooth to smoke. Cure for a minimum of 2 weeks. Overall maybe 3 weeks of drying and curing, and you will have some good ass bud that will be nice and sticky.

THE WAY TO GET GOOD SMELL, is slow drying, and that is exactly what this method is.


Active Member
it's lowryder#2 joint doctors saied is fully rippen at 63day from seed and the buds are mature enough most pistils got redish colour i will upload some photos
is it possible to overdry them in 7-8 days from harvest?
here some pics before put them in jars
If you want to moisten them up the easy way, take a piece of white bread, and put a 1 inch by 1 inch square into each jar and let it sit for 4 hours. Then let it cure sealed for 4 days to evenly spread the moisture. Rinse repeat as necessary. This won't make your bud smell any different also, it will only help bring out the buds smell.