Hawk’s Granddaddy Purple – 2nd Grow Journal – June 2023


Well-Known Member
Strain: Granddaddy Purple - Feminized
Indica Dominant: 80/20
Current Stage: Started the germination process (soaking in water) on 6/19/23.
Indoor / Outdoor: Will grow them Outdoors in fabric grow pots using FFOF.

6/19/23 - This will be my second grow attempt. Started the first grow in late April.

Since I have two 1 gallon fabric grow pots with the good Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, I decided to start up two more Granddaddy Purples. These seeds were purchased in late April and have been stored in the fridge. Started germinating two GDP seeds in a shot glass of distilled water. Put them in a dark cupboard and will check daily for the taproot. Hopefully, this second attempt will go much more smoothly than the first attempt and I won’t make as many errors that will stunt their growth. Since I don’t have a proper LED grow light, I’m thinking that as soon as they have a decent sized taproot, I’ll plant them directly into the 1 gallon fabric grow pots outside and see how it goes.

As always, any tips, suggestions, comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
6/21/23 - Both seeds have cracked open and taproots can be seen. Keeping them in the shot glass of water in a cupboard for a bit longer for the taproots to grow more before planting in soil.
6/22/23 - Taproots are probably big enough to plant into soil today. But decided to wait til tomorrow to plant them. It’s been raining steadily since 6/19 and would like the 1 gallon grow pots to dry out a little bit. They’re absolutely soaked right now. So, brought the two small pots inside.

Stupid Watering Question:
Once again, it’s raining here in N. VA. Pot plants appear to be extremely particular on watering needs, etc. What to do when it rains for a couple days in a row? Rainy days totally mess up the need for the soil to dry out before watering again. Pots are too big to try to move them. So, what to do?
Stupid Watering Question:
Once again, it’s raining here in N. VA. Pot plants appear to be extremely particular on watering needs, etc. What to do when it rains for a couple days in a row? Rainy days totally mess up the need for the soil to dry out before watering again. Pots are too big to try to move them. So, what to do?

Established plants? If the pots are well draining, I'd let mother nature take her course if you can't get them under cover. If it's the 1 gallon pots with seedlings, definitely get em under cover
6/23/23 - Taproots are big enough now to get them out of the shotglass. Planted both GDP seeds in 1 gallon fabric grow pots. Using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil mixed w. perlite. Still extremely wet outside, so keeping them inside til The Rains stop. Placed them on a heating mat w. my weak LED wand lights on. Hoping to be able to bring them outside for sunlight very soon.

6/26/23 - One of the GDP seedlings is about an inch tall while the other GDP seedling still hasn’t broken thru the surface of the soil. At this point they are both inside on a heating mat w. the weak wand LED light on them. Hoping to put them outside in the near future. Holding off cause of lots of rain and want both to have broken thru the soil.

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6/27/23 - One GDP looks like it’s doing well, the other is still lost in the soil. Poked around the soil and found the taproot/seed. Now it’s very close to the surface. Continue to mist them twice a day and keep them under the LED light. Hoping to bring them outside soon. Don’t want them getting leggy again!
6/28/23 - Brought them outside in the late afternoon. Not in direct sunlight. Hoping that they’ll do much better with real sunlight than the weak LED I’ve been using. Can see the 2nd GDP stem trying to get out of the soil now. Amazed at the difference between these two GDP seeds – one is still trying to break the soil and the other is a couple inches. At least last time there was such a difference, I thought it was due to the different types of seeds. But this time, they’re the same seed strain.

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7/12/23 - Returned from 9 days out of town. Grow #2 is dead. RIP. One GDP never really got out from the soil. The other one was a couple inches big when I left. It was totally withered when I returned. My guess is that I put them outside too quickly and they might have just burned up in the intense heat. Luckily, I still have Grow #1.

Now the Question is: Do I try a Grow #3?
