Hawaii outdoor grow. what do you think? -PICS


Active Member
Can you see any resin yet? If you can't you might be overwatering... the less you water, generally, the more resin you will have...
YESS!!!! soooo much that if i touch the leaves its rough from to many crystals. and after its sticky to the touch.
i think im under-watering to tell you the truth i dont water much. and i bring them in alot of times if its raining. i dont really keep track of when i water i just go by how my babies look :P
YESS!!!! soooo much that if i touch the leaves its rough from to many crystals. and after its sticky to the touch.
i think im under-watering to tell you the truth i dont water much. and i bring them in alot of times if its raining. i dont really keep track of when i water i just go by how my babies look :P
That's the way to go, the less water the more resin, it's almost a defensive mechanism! Mine only takes water 2-3 times a week in the ground. Check it out: https://www.rollitup.org/showthread.php?t=362457&page=1
yeah that does seem to have an effect on resin production....buuut the best way to increase production IMO is UV rays! try to give your ladys as much direct sunlight as possible. THC is like a tan! haha
no doubt, the more sun the merrier, and we both have plenty of it!


Well-Known Member
your grow is looking nice man.. i have to keep my girls small too. cuz i have too many nosey neighbors..
damm nosey neighbors...i go out to my garden in my boxers only and the old people tend not to peek over the fence as much LMAO!


Active Member
2 of my girlie's coming down Monday....busy this weekend 4 concerts! but i will defiantly get some pictures up Monday


Active Member
Heres my widow photo taken with my new camera!!!! i think it shows it much better...and the other pic is my baby.....i will snap some more of the other girls when my battery charges :P....Enjoy! 100_0030.JPG100_0033.JPG


Active Member
100_0061.JPGThis one is a sativa i got from a friend the rest are shots of the whole plant of all the plants i got 100_0057.JPG100_0056.JPG100_0058.JPG100_0059.JPG