Hawaii Outdoor Autoflower Grow


I will be growing 2 Skunk #1 Automatic (Sensi Seeds), 2 Guerrilla Ryder (Freedom of seeds) 1 Pineapple express Automatic (G13 seeds), and at least 2 Maui Wowie. Growing all in 50/50 Foxfarm ocean and Sunshine #1 with added bat guano and worm castings. (MW will eventually go in ground) Not planning on feeding Auto's anything but leachate from worm bins. This will be a Guerilla grow under the strong hawaiian summer sun.IMG_0289.JPGIMG_0284.JPG IMG_0283.JPG IMG_0282.JPG IMG_0281.JPG

Below is a picture of the location with the pineapple express top right, two guerrilla ryders in larger pots, and MW in two small cups before transplant into ground (different spot)

Below: This is my poor little Pineapple express auto already dealing with the hawaiian super mites at 3 weeks and pre flowers!. Like my other plants I have started spraying with my triple threat spray (Neemix, Pyrethrum, mpede or insecticidal soap) weekly. started 3 days ago. any advice?
IMG_0284.JPG Below: These are Maui Wowie in the small pots waiting for transplant. had a hard start with strong rain first few days outside. On the left is my strongest plant Guerrilla Ryder 2 weeks old and right same but with more spray damage. having dealt with bad mite problems here in the aloha state in the past i went a little too strong with my first triple threat spray.
IMG_0283.JPG The last two pictures below are skunk #1 Autos at 1 week. planted seeds straight into 3 gal finishing pots. think i still prefer starting in small cups and just transplanting carefully. they got a little streatched from a shady spot i had them in to start but i am confident they will start going strong soon. time will tell.
IMG_0282.JPG IMG_0281.JPG Thanks for checking out my first blog of any kind. I will continue to post pics at least weekly. my guess is that these will go fast so i will try stay up to date.


Todays pics:
Below two Guerilla Ryder in larger pots week 3 starting show preflowers. MW seedlings in smaller pots week 2
IMG_0298.JPG Below is Pineapple Express Auto week 4 not looking so good. signs of flowering but very small weak plant. Spider mites are main cause but I think I may have them under control. If I see new damage this week i will have to switch to new control method. Is it worth keeping around??

Below are 2 week old skunk #1 Autos. Not too much growth in the last 6 days but has been cloudy.

GR 21 Days. Hope we have a sunny week

Any suggestions, comments, or advice always welcome. Aloha


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Below: week 4 GR#1 from seed starting to flower recovered pretty well from stress

GR #2 week 4 catching up to #1. Did a light foliar spray with fish and kelp and it really seemed to help them take off. Hopefully this growth will continue with with sunny days next few weeks. Will do another foliar feed tomorrow morning but I have a question. These plants are starting to grow quickly and I was wondering if a fish/kelp emulsion with a NPK of 2-1.4-0.4 is appropriate at this stage of growth? I know it is Nitrogen strong but i want to get these little guys as big as possible in their short life. I did also add a few ounces of bat guano i(0-5-0)nto planting mix so it should have plenty phosphorus.

MW#1 top right MW#2 bottom right. They are starting to recover and show more growth, may give another week before transplant into ground. any opinions?
The skunk auto girls. Slow starting plants so far. Seems like the autos have the tendency to start slow. Unlike the GR's these were planted directly into 3 gal pots. hopefully they shot down a nice tap root and will take off this week. Fish and kelp foliar spray for these little ones for sure.
Overall showing some good growth this week. Have Worm tea brew ready to go but has been rainy and don't want to overwater. hoping for some clear weather so i can give them a good soak. otherwise foliar feed with the fish/kelp 2-1.4-0.4 will have to do. Advice and comments always welcome. Aloha



Transplanted MW #1 in ground at final secret spot. Hopefully it will be a monster (at least compared to these auto's). Dug about a 10 gallon hole and filled with 1:1 FFOF and native soil. Will have some pictures uo this week.

I got a gallon of Mighty Wash (amazon) and after the rave reviews had to give it a try. Got their first wash yesterday evening. Today was unusually rainy and looks like the same for the rest of the week. Hopefully this humidity and rain will help with the mites and they will have some sun to finish. I will let you all know how Mighty Wash works against Mites here. I have continued spraying Neemix, Pyrethrum, and M-pede and also gave them a hit of Bt with my last spray. I live in an agricultural community and pest pressure is insanely strong here. So far I have seen potato beetles, thrips, and of course a collection of mites ON MY PLANTS


Below is 5 week old GR #1 right #2 left. Had a pretty severe rain storm last few days seems like the girls held their own. Week 2 of flowering?!...stoked
IMG_0311.jpg IMG_0327.jpg IMG_0325.JPG IMG_0313.JPG IMG_0316.JPG IMG_0315.jpg
so far I like the GR here is a 1 week old sprout in a home made smart pot
Two new Maui Wowie week 1
Skunk #1 Auto's showing pre flowers at beginning of week 4 from seed. These girls are small but will hopefully shoot up this week like GR did at week 4



Well-Known Member
Just found your thread. I'll be watchin your grow. Glad to see the plants surviving the bugs and the storm.
Leaf miners are my problem so far outside. Usually an inside grower.

Can't wait to see your results.


Below are a few pics of 6 week old Guerrilla Ryder week 3 of flower. Had some sun this week and the girls that made it are doing well. Something completely ate 2 of my plants since last week Pineapple express auto and one of the skunk autos.
Below GR #1

IMG_0335.jpg Below GR #2
Below Close up shot of cola developing GR #1 3 weeks flowering
IMG_0338.jpg IMG_0337.JPG Below MW #3 week 2
IMG_0341.jpg Below is the last remaining Skunk Auto #1. Hopefully this thing will stretch out in flower because it is pretty tiny right now
IMG_0340.jpg below is a GR #3 looking pretty healthy at 2 weeks.


Below: GR #1 week 7
IMG_0348.jpg Below: GR#1 starting to smell very nice
Below: GR#2
Below: Skunk #1 week 6 from seed. Tiny compared to the Guerilla Ryder by freedom of seeds. I don't think the skunk auto can handle the stress.
Below: MW #3 week 3. This seedling is now in the ground in its final location. hope its a girl!
IMG_0352.jpg Below: BOY! GR #3 week 3 male flowers. Planning on collecting pollen to make some Auto seeds. Any suggestions always welcome

