Active Member
Alright Puna... Time to get you on the local ballot. Hmmmm, we DO have a senior senator retiringOf course a bust there will be different then what we experience here. We now have more than 50% of all law enforcement across America embracing Paramilitary tactics because of the 'Patriot Act',...which needs to be abolished after ten years already. Police in Europe have been treating people with respect for such a long time. Police brutality in Europe is almost non- existant. That is probably why they aren't called "pigs" in europe? There were few arrest. I believe my friends saw only two people being led away. They didn't care about the weed. They seemed to be concerned with oils, tinctures, etc.,etc.. But that's besides the fact. The "rigged" Cannabis Cup had a fitfull ending.
Amsterdam, I went one time. I didn't care for it because of the other vices there, open prostitution. Sounds weird, but I'm not into having to pay for sex with a stranger. Why? To stroke one's ego? Anyway because of that fact I never embraced it there. Funny you should mention Denmark. It is by far my favorite place to go in Europe. Or it least it use to be up until 2004. Christiania, was a city once only populated by their military. Given back to the people this became a "free zone" of types. No cops, no cars, no heavy drugs, no euro bikers,no rent. IBut I think today people now pay rent in Christiania. They have their main st. called. Can't remember what everybody use to call it, doper's alley? Anyway little booths line this avenue with dealers of hash and weed at a modest price. This place was perfect for so many years. 2004 the Gov. tried to take city back from the people. I have not returned since. But if laws are getting more liberal, I might just revisit the place once again.
Why do any of us need to fuck with the Cannabis Cup in Europe anyways? You can go to either SF or Denver, and see a much better contest. In doing so you are in a place where Americans are liked, and not treated like dirt because of our politics(thanks GBush jr. & sr.)in the past in Europe.
But all could be for not. As you all may well be aware that California is under attack right now from the FEDS(DEA). Why, and who's next? This time they are going after even growers too! I tell you right now. If Obama is not re-elected, we will see the Religious Right make an attempt to shut down "queers" & "weed" . We have a real battle on our hands if you don't wanna loose whhat little we have gained in past 10 years for cannabis reform. I truly believe in my heart that if Obama is re-elected we will finally reap the rewards of his presidency during his second campaign in the oval office. Meaning that most presidents like senators spend their first years in office getting ready for re-elections. How could he honestly make cannabis a first term issue? He couldn't but with an election behind him, and new status as a lame duck Pres., things just might happen in our favor!!

Yeah, what's happening in Cali is a shame. I just wish we knew more. Why SoCal and not NorCal? And, why Cali and not Colorado? Some of the stories getting out are that shady dispensaries are being targeted. If this reason is true (or partially), then maybe that explains Colorado being left alone by Feds since Colorado runs a pretty tight ship on dispensary action. I don't know... Major step backward. Wonder what will become of Oaksterdam if this trend continues?