Hawaii Growers

Nice selection. Post pics of the beans on the seed picture thread before you pop them please!

Link is in my signature.
This is how I veg and it works killer. All it takes is a couple cheap bulbs strung above your plants and flip em on either at sunset or a few hours in the middle of the night and you are good to go. The lights are there merely to disrupt the night cycle. I highly recommend trying it out once your plants are a couple feet tall.

I get faster growth, bigger plants, and faster transition to flower versus vegging indoor under T5. If you want bigger plants, use big pots or plant into the ground with amended soil.

If using pots, I highly recommend a minimum 2 week veg in your final pot using the supplemental/outdoor veg schedule before you let them go to flower. This will ensure any transplant shock has passed and you will get a more seamless transition to flower. I never had space indoor to be vegging in 10-20gal. pots before flipping them outside but it makes a world of difference when you dont transplant the day you flip to flower.
Very interetsing, I'm getting pretty tired of hauling plants in and out of the tent to keep them in veg. I've been transplanting and putting them right out, from 8lb pots to 20 or 25lb. I've been seriously considering auto flowering seeds, but I've been reading that we can put regular sativas out about now and they will go into flower naturally.
Aloha from the BI. It looks as if you did not bother with stealth shipping, I've never ordered seeds before, any advice appreciated.
Aloha BIgrow,

You can order domestically from several places and not have to worry about stealth. Great Lakes Genetics, James Bean Co., seedsherenow, thedankteam, California Seed Vault (AKA Holistic Nursery), Sour Patch Seeds, etc.

I haven't ordered overseas in awhile, but I liked guaranteed shipping with the breeder's packaging. I can't remember if I ever ordered stealth though or not, but none of them got snagged by customs either way. If I make any orders in the near future I'll go with Midweek Song and/or SeedBay. SeedBay would be solely for some GanjaRebel seeds and some of their server fund packs. And I've ordered from The Attitude, Herbies and Sannies Seed Shop in the past and they were all great besides The Attitude sending me fem seeds when I ordered regs on one of my packs, but it wasn't a big deal.

Very interetsing, I'm getting pretty tired of hauling plants in and out of the tent to keep them in veg. I've been transplanting and putting them right out, from 8lb pots to 20 or 25lb. I've been seriously considering auto flowering seeds, but I've been reading that we can put regular sativas out about now and they will go into flower naturally.
And yeah, if you're able to just throw some lights up outside it's waaaaay better than hauling plants in and out everyday.

And you can pretty much put indica, hybrids and most sativa dominant clones outside and they'll flower anytime of the year. Farther leaning sativas from seed and equitorial sativa clones and seed plants will stay vegging through the summer and flower in the fall just like a mainland outdoor except they'll most likely finish later than a lot of mainland strains. If you're growing sativas from seed for summer and want them to stay vegging either start them outdoors later (beginning/middle of May to beginning of June) or get them going indoors but without too many extra light hours from what the light hours will be outside when you put them out, e.g., if you veg them indoors with 18 hours of light and throw them outside with 13 hours of light they'll either flower or start to flower (most likely) and possibly reveg which will waste some growing time for you. Or like myself and @waterproof808 put lights outside and then you can just have the lights turn on in the middle of the night for 1-2 hours or have them turn on early morning or stay on from sunset into the evening for 4 extra hours and not have to worry about timing indoor light hours with outdoor light hours or starting seeds too soon. Good luck and keep us posted :)
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Aloha braddah guys, I've been busy trying to get things semi decent for long season. Hopefully everybody is kicking some okole and taking names, ha ha.

Just a friendly reminder, Green Harvest should be flying soon so be ready to throw all your extra plants inside at a moments notice, ha ha, just kidding (<just thought I'd make the kidding part clear if any of our brave, handsome and overly friendly law enforcement officers are reading this :))

Here's a pic. I'll throw some more up later, but I have to get to bed now

And @Vnsmkr you got the quickness on the "Like" button :) I hope things are cruising along for you :)

Talk to you guys bumbye, aaaaah fo' shua
No shit? He's my local home boy from my area, damn.
Yes shit, actually. @757growin speaks the truth, ha ha.

That's cool you know him. He came over to Maui to meet me once and I hooked him up and gave him a small tour of my spot. He was cool. He showed me some pictures of his grandparents' property (I think it was his grandparents' anyway) back where you're at and it was very pretty country. If you're area is as pretty as what I saw you're blessed to live in such nice surroundings. I know a couple other people here from your state too and they're cool too. Tell your friends thanks from me for sending over the non-douchey ones, ha ha.
Very interetsing, I'm getting pretty tired of hauling plants in and out of the tent to keep them in veg. I've been transplanting and putting them right out, from 8lb pots to 20 or 25lb. I've been seriously considering auto flowering seeds, but I've been reading that we can put regular sativas out about now and they will go into flower naturally.

I forgot to say, equitorial landrace sativas you can put outside under natural lighting much earlier than other strains. If you got a strain like Mangobiche from Cannabiogen Seeds you could put something like that out right after the spring equinox and it'll stay vegging through summer and wouldn't finish flowering until January or February. I doubt you'll be growing something like that, but you can kind of get the idea of how daylight cycles work here with different strains.
To funny he used to live in El cajon california. That's where I had my 1st garden out here. He told me all the good to eat spots.
Yes shit, actually. @757growin speaks the truth, ha ha.

That's cool you know him. He came over to Maui to meet me once and I hooked him up and gave him a small tour of my spot. He was cool. He showed me some pictures of his grandparents' property (I think it was his grandparents' anyway) back where you're at and it was very pretty country. If you're area is as pretty as what I saw you're blessed to live in such nice surroundings. I know a couple other people here from your state too and they're cool too. Tell your friends thanks from me for sending over the non-douchey ones, ha ha.

He went to high school about 20 minutes from my house. He's 15 years younger than me and we weren't friends before discovering each other on RIU, but we have a mutual dealer/friend.
He went to high school about 20 minutes from my house. He's 15 years younger than me and we weren't friends before discovering each other on RIU, but we have a mutual dealer/friend.
I guess Disney Land was right, it is a small world after all. It's funny how you can come across connections with other people. I wonder how many people we run across in our day-to-day lives that we're only a one person connection away from.
Man when I was first in the Navy in 80s I was cruising down International Drive in Orlando, Fl jamming -- just like in Kentucky and like I've posted before people used to cruise around town on Fri and Sat nights and jam their systems lol -- and it was so crowded we were at a crawl, anyway I look over and the chick driving the car going the other way went to school with me a few years before.

I even had an instructor in a class in Navy basic training hear about three words come out of my mouth and she immediately asked me where I was from. Long story longer, she and I graduated from same hillbilly, 1000 students high school. Yes, a small world after all.
Thanks for the response, and the follow up. I would like both if I had a like button. I was looking at autoflowering seeds, but I like the concept of being able to leave out a sativa, though that is one long growing season. I realized I have been having plants veg for for or five months lately, trying to get them to a decent size before putting them out to flower. I run them under a KIND LED all night long, but I think I will break that up after your sage advice on periodicity and exterior lights.

Aloha BIgrow,

You can order domestically from several places and not have to worry about stealth. Great Lakes Genetics, James Bean Co., seedsherenow, thedankteam, California Seed Vault (AKA Holistic Nursery), Sour Patch Seeds, etc.

I haven't ordered overseas in awhile, but I liked guaranteed shipping with the breeder's packaging. I can't remember
if I ever ordered stealth though or not, but none of them got snagged by customs either way. If I make any orders in the near future I'll go with Midweek Song and/or SeedBay. SeedBay would be solely for some GanjaRebel seeds and some of their server fund packs. And I've ordered from The Attitude, Herbies and Sannies Seed Shop in the past and they were all great besides The Attitude sending me fem seeds when I ordered regs on one of my packs, but it wasn't a big deal.

And yeah, if you're able to just throw some lights up outside it's waaaaay better than hauling plants in and out everyday.

And you can pretty much put indica, hybrids and most sativa dominant clones outside and they'll flower anytime of the year. Farther leaning sativas from seed and equitorial sativa clones and seed plants will stay vegging through the summer and flower in the fall just like a mainland outdoor except they'll most likely finish later than a lot of mainland strains. If you're growing sativas from seed for summer and want them to stay vegging either start them outdoors later (beginning/middle of May to beginning of June) or get them going indoors but without too many extra light hours from what the light hours will be outside when you put them out, e.g., if you veg them indoors with 18 hours of light and throw them outside with 13 hours of light they'll either flower or start to flower (most likely) and possibly reveg which will waste some growing time for you. Or like myself and @waterproof808 put lights outside and then you can just have the lights turn on in the middle of the night for 1-2 hours or have them turn on early morning or stay on from sunset into the evening for 4 extra hours and not have to worry about timing indoor light hours with outdoor light hours or starting seeds too soon. Good luck and keep us posted :)