Hawaii Growers

Howzit kupihea?

GH is a state and fed thing so local county ordinances don't affect them, but I've never heard of anybody getting busted on the B.I. for 24 plants or less. They might get their plants cut, but I haven't heard of an arrest for 24 plants since the Lowest Law Enforment Priority went into effect, so even though GH is state and fed I think they are flexible enough to not arrest you for that amount. Just my observation, don't hold me to it if GH has a bad day and arrests somebody on here for 24 plants, ha ha.

Mahalo rikdabrick, I'd love to let the girls have full Hawaiian sun. I've just got to develop enough privacy in my very small yard. Most from Island of Hawaii have large lots. Not me but I'm working on it! Aloha.
Howzit kupihea?

GH is a state and fed thing so local county ordinances don't affect them, but I've never heard of anybody getting busted on the B.I. for 24 plants or less. They might get their plants cut, but I haven't heard of an arrest for 24 plants since the Lowest Law Enforment Priority went into effect, so even though GH is state and fed I think they are flexible enough to not arrest you for that amount. Just my observation, don't hold me to it if GH has a bad day and arrests somebody on here for 24 plants, ha ha.

The Lowest Level enforcement for MMJ on the BI was a total farce and was over-ruled by a Judge because county law does not trump state law. It was just a total waste of time by county council, which is usually the case when they try to pass laws.
I have one card for my property. I follow the rules outside, so they have absolutely no reason to want to enter my home without a warrant.
As the law states, anytime you are over your numbers, your status as a medical grower gets thrown out and the consequences are basically dependent on the mood of the person who is asking. Like Rik was saying, you never hear of people getting busted for less than 24 but that really is a risk you have to be willing to take. I personally would rather not want to find out.
Kalo, this law was overruled twice and then appealed to the state supreme court last i heard. Has the supreme court made a further decision on this?
Last I heard was they appealed and lost and were planning to take it to the supreme court but I havent heard any developments on that. I'm not even sure if the supreme court would hear the case, since its kind of obvious the county ordinance holds no ground over state law.

I think Ruggles might be too focused on suing the county/state to get his plants back to bother with appealing the lowest enforcement law.
The Lowest Level enforcement for MMJ on the BI was a total farce and was over-ruled by a Judge because county law does not trump state law. It was just a total waste of time by county council, which is usually the case when they try to pass laws.
I have one card for my property. I follow the rules outside, so they have absolutely no reason to want to enter my home without a warrant.
As the law states, anytime you are over your numbers, your status as a medical grower gets thrown out and the consequences are basically dependent on the mood of the person who is asking. Like Rik was saying, you never hear of people getting busted for less than 24 but that really is a risk you have to be willing to take. I personally would rather not want to find out.

Thanks kaloconnection, true enough. Aloha
Hmm.That is an interesting point on the "home rule." Hadn't heard that angle.
I hope he wins too, it would benefit us all...puna definitely needs the resources spent elsewhere, vacant homes are getting ransacked left and right...
Hmm.That is an interesting point on the "home rule." Hadn't heard that angle.
I hope he wins too, it would benefit us all...puna definitely needs the resources spent elsewhere, vacant homes are getting ransacked left and right...

You got that right kalo... My place was pillaged about a month ago by some batu chronics. Few houses on my street have been vacant and they have more holes in the walls, broken windows, trash, etc. every time I pass by. Nice plants BTW.

ATM, I'm just hoping Pele doesn't pay me a visit...

I haven't posted in a while; howsit everyone!
That sucks Hiloreign, hope they didnt get you too bad. I know the feeling, and its horrible and makes you not trust anyone.

When we were looking at houses over the summer, a couple of them out in a puna were just totally looted.
Everything gone, catchment tank, water heater, kitchen counter, bathroom vanity's, etc. just gutted. We were pretty much over buying a house out there because of that plus the drive since we both work in Hilo.
Hey Hilo R,
Hope all is good besides the chicken shit chicken heads. Did you guys move out? Looks the like the lava slowed up for now, had enough of that crapt.
Yea some places are terrible. One place was gutted and even lit on fire... I have zero respect for the scum out here, gotta have prime hide-and-seek skills with ganja because someone's ALWAYS fucking playing around... Though on the same token there are a lot of really nice and warm people that live out this way.

Personally, I understand the drive, my old lady does it everyday and the other day ended up sitting in traffic for 2 hours waiting for construction.

Hope you found a sick spot without crackheads and thieves yet, plenty sun...
@Surfd: What's up my friend... It's all good over here. Not too concerned about the lava as I'm not very close to it... Though you never really know. I was able to start poppin' seeds again recently so I'm stoked about that. Bunch of random MNS seeds that I pollen chucked myself.

Howsit going with you? Last I saw you were about to rock the roof off of a greenhouse with swami gear.
Going pretty good, just a lot of quality time with my chickens. Rocking all sorts of shit in the GH, cut down one of Swami's Cascadian Frosts and still smoking on it....it is about a 6.
How the yard going? Farming some good shit? A lot more sun after the hurricane? Lol
Good to hear from you. The yard has been progressing slowly, most things are keiki and/or stunted being planted right into the red cinder... Also, I've been everywhere but where I should've been these past few months(doing work in the yard). I've been getting back into it, starting up my compost piles again and turning like hell... Still hurtin' with these albizia looming over my property. Some of them came down during the hurricane, some are now leaning on others. Ready to bite down and pay someone to do it for me, maybe another hurricane will help me out rofl.

What kind birds you got running around? I'm definitely getting some soon... I would like to put up a fence first though and get some livestock guardian dogs. A lot of strays where I'm at that will snatch my birds.

What else you got besides the Swami gear? I'm almost hurting to know what you prefer... I'm so new to "genetics" that I'm barely even allowed to have an opinion about them Lol.
Hey Kalo, I saw you had some Gu~ gear, what all did you grab and are ya gonna run any if it outside?
I got the Gorilla Glue #4, Forum GSC, and White Master Kush. Doing the GG#4 now, gonna run everything outdoor...just popped some oregon lemons, sky lotus, and couple kosher kush beans my friend gifted me before he passed away earlier this year.
I want to get some chickens going, house came with small coop...not sure how the neighbors would feel about it yet.
Right on Hilo, been too fucking hot to work in the yard anyway, only getting nice now. Albizias are such a pain, I liked how that guy cleared his lot down by Geo-thermal and put in his airstream. Lol.
I got 4 reds and 2 orpingtons. Started with 10, my dog got 3 and I accidentally took one out with a rock. They just started laying a week ago, first eggs were strong. He he. Hens are pretty quiet, but they do get bitchy and loud sometimes....like most women.
Not running much commercial seeds any more, but more made by friends.
A couple shots from today.
@Kalo, well if there were chickens there before, a few should be OK, right?

Those crosses sound danks, let us know how they do. I might sign up for his next round of testers with the Stardawg male. I wanna try something from Archive with the Memory Loss male, should be better than just a FO OG dad. You gonna build a little greenhouse?
@SurfdYour plants are loving life and that GH is wicked! I need to build one of those ASAP. Sounds like sweet deals with the hook-up seeds too.

Do you get amendments locally or online? I've been lazy to do much searching but I know garden exchange had a decent selection last I looked...

@kalo I say go for the chickens. After some fresh eggs or a succulent chicken dinner, nearly any neighbor shouldn't have anything to complain about!
Morning, yeah the GH will keep the water of ya plants, but they have their own set of challenges. Still working on making all my own amendments/soil, been using the chicken and rabbit manures and compost EWC as well as comfrey but still have to buy stuff like neem and alfalfa and minerals.
Garden Ex. is killer and the folks are nice, just too frigging expensive. Ohana is pretty good, but I got a personal beef with the owner so I don't go in there much. I buy a big bag of alfalfa cubes from Dels, and order pretty much everything else. I order my soluble kelp from kelp4less.com and nutrients/neem from Build-a-soil.com.