Hawaii Growers

Hey Surfd, I'm pretty sure if you got caught you be charged with inter-state drug trafficking (if it was going out of state) and I'm pretty sure that's a federal crime no matter who you use, however you could probably get some type of additional charges for using a federal agency to do the trafficking I'm guessing. I'll look into it more for purely educational purposes. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Surfd, I'm pretty sure if you got caught you be charged with inter-state drug trafficking (if it was going out of state) and I'm pretty sure that's a federal crime no matter who you use, however you could probably get some type of additional charges for using a federal agency to do the trafficking I'm guessing. I'll look into it more for purely educational purposes. Thanks for sharing.
I was reading that article and they said most the time Feds won't prosecute for small amount ( pound here and there) there looking for big multi pound organizations to go after ther biggester fish.
So I guess most people would be ok?
My real question is.....is it illegal to ship from island to island a QP(after the limits go up in January) via a private carrier to a blue card holder?
When I was younger us stupid fuks were receiving 2 shipments a week ranging from 90-99 lbs each from Fed Ex from Arizona. One box busted open and they raided a house that had our indoor op going as well......never saw Steve again.....lucky we never got busted for all the valiums, zanax and roofies we were shipping.....but I did get popped with 1,700 pills of x in Orlando.......glad I made it out alive from those years. Stupid, stupid and more stupid.
Wow Surfd, da tings I had neva know about you. Your entire post blew my mind. You must've had one good lawyer for the X deal. Man that all sounds pretty freaking wild.
Being on the news would suck for sure and I'm sure doing time is even worse.

I've never been busted for anything, but I did have a close call about 13 years ago. My buddy and I were out drinking all day and selling bud and shrooms and on our way back from Makena Beach we had all our empties from the day in the back of the car, which were an empty 24 pack of beer, two empty six packs of beer, an empty gallon of Rossi wine. We also had about 4 bags of weed and 7 bags of shrooms left over and as we were passing Hookipa Beach Park, my car wouldn't shift into third gear so I decided to pull over and let the car that had been following me for 15 minutes or so pass. The car started pulling over with me and at first I thought is was somebody I pissed off from driving too slow and thought maybe they were feeling a little scrappy. That thought soon vanished as the blue lights turned on on the car behind me. My buddy grabbed his backpack with all the baggies in it on the ready to bag out into the cane fields we were parked next to. So I'm sitting in the driver's seat and feeling like I'm about to have a heart attack and the cop walks up to my window and say, "rikdabrick?" And I looked at him and said, "Jimmy?" He was a cop I knew from when I was bouncing at a nightclub. He continued and said, "You know your registrations expired?" And I replied as normally as I possibly could, "Yeah I know, I was totally going to take care of that." And he said, "You know your safety check is expired?" And I said, "Yeah, I was going to take care of that too" And he said, "You know your car is smoking" I said, "Really? Yeah, I couldn't get it to shift into third gear" Then after a moment I said, "So how's your night going?" while still feeling like having a heart attack, and he said, "Boring as you can see. Get that stuff taking care of and have a good night", and he drove off. My buddy and I looked at each other in total disbelief and then just started laughing and of course went over every detail a few times on the rest of the way home. That was an intense few minutes that could have severely altered the course of my life had it been a cop I didn't know. Thank God for his grace on my stupidity.

On a side note, I don't want anybody to think I condone drunk driving. I was a lot younger and dumber in those days, but that's no excuse, drunk driving is just stupid.

And I'm right with you Surfd on saying I was a different person back then too.
Nuts yeah, I must have had a hundred of those...but I have had a great life, always worked hard and been nice to folks and shit has worked out.

My dad spent some time here, then moved to Florida when he got a job as a Florida Highway Patrol and then worked at the Kennedy Space Center. My parents were real hippy Christian folks, lots of kids all of us homeschooled. When I was 15 I started riding with the local Sheriffs Dept all night because of my dads connections and since I was homeschooled it was alright for me to be out all night a couple times a week. Boy, I saw some shit! That was when crack cocaine was in full swing, and I had a bulletproof vest and was given a sidearm. I was saving accident victims, chasing suspects and holding them until the fat cops got there, pulling dead babies off of the bottom of pools, I came within a second of blasting a dude who came out with a shotgun while we where fighting this group of black dudes, and on and on....

At 17 I joined the Air Force intelligence and found out how the world really worked. But that is a whole other story. Got out at 21 did all the drug shit and moved back to Hawaii by 25 and settled down relatively. I'm a little over 40 now and just kick back surf and grow stuff.
Ahh, while I am reminiscing and waiting for the tide to get low....the Air Force years.

My grandfather was brilliant, a very powerful man with powerful secrets. Retired at 42, FBI checked up on him all the time until he finally died from radiation he received when his boat broke down after the nuke tests in the South Pacific. A nuclear engineer, and if you know much about extraterrestrials, you will understand the significance of my dad being born at Wright-Patterson. I could write awhile about him and what he told me once I got all my clearances, but the main thing is I got into higher levels because of his patriotism.
I was trained primarily in breaking satellite signals codes, basically anything in the world can be broken down into 1 and 0. When I graduated they said I could either fly or go to North Japan, I was really big into karate so I took Japan. After I got there I took one lesson and then just partied and surfed. Lol When getting assigned in Japan I asked for the hardest job they had, so they put me in search(Marburg and LadyLove) where I kicked ass and became one of the best young analysts they had seen. I had to be able to identify every signal in the electromagnetic spectrum, from dirt to daylight. I started breaking into everything, back then we didn't copy US citizens, but I could break into it, just not record it. I had the best supercomputers doing my math and broke into everything from the payphone at the post office to Chinese rocket launch room video feeds to bank accounts. Then I started doing real cloak and dagger stuff with the Office of Special Investigations, but luckily I was getting burned out at about the time I was getting deep. I almost got sucked into some stuff they would have never let me out of. Eventually, I just said fuck it and turned in all my clearances and told them I didn't want the responsibility for that type of info...lives were lost or saved based on my analysis.
I got an early out with a honorable discharge and went immediately to see what drugs was all about.....
Hello Hawaiians growers, I need some advice.

I will put my luggages on Big island in feew months, for some time, and I would like to know some'

Is it posible to start a culture in a garden since January to April, in order to wait the real big culture, with some autoflo AK47? Do we have sun enough?

I have no ideas about time culture, here it's easy, from March to November (Spain)

Thanks for everysin!
Hey CRISTIANO, what part of the Big Island are you moving to?

If you plan on growing hybrids, indicas or only moderately sativa dominant plants you can flower them all year long. Sativa dominant or pure sativa plants will veg through the summer and flower in the fall like normal. And unless you want tiny plants you should forget about auto flowering strains. There's no reason to grow them here, just throw out some normal photo period plants. And welcome to the islands.
Thank you Rikdabrick for your answer.

Well, normaly, because I've planed to improve my language school in U.S.A ( I work as a french teacher in some american companies, here in Madrid), I would like to create a new office in Honolulu.
Spain looks like shit, 30% unemployment, South of Europe is really down with this crisis, so I wanna take every good opportunities. Even if I'm french, I think that for my business work in both part of Atlantic can be better.

My love for original sativa is real, I've allready read that pure indica can't grow with this high level of humidity, so everything you told me sounds good.
Here, it's posible to grow everything, indica, hybrids, pure sativa. In Spain, you have few rain, it's very hot (+/- 35º celsius now), so I find some good informations with hawaian weather, which look like very diferent.

Have a nice week rik