Hawaii Growers

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Had a small problem with caterpillars, I bought some BT caterpillar spray and i have yet to use it fully, but it seemed to work on my vegetables in the garden. I have more of a slug problem then anything, they always come out at night and munch my leaves and leave there trails on my pots and stems.

Well its been beautiful these past few days. Was lovin the south swell these past few days. Good size waves and good fun.

My girls doin good. Bout to put a few clones out and got my other girls staring well.

Tuesday was a trip, it all started around 11:00 am. I thought I heard the sound of helicopters but didn't pay attention to it. When I finally knew it was the Iron Birds I went outside to take a look. I watched about 4-5, alternating helicopters circle this one area for at least a good 30 - 45 mins. This included the DEA heli I talked about before, some OH-58s, the county helicopters (Bright Yellow, Silver), and for the first time a coast guard rescue chopper(if thats not a waste of federal reoursces then I don't know what it). They would cirlce then move off and another would take its place, while the DEA NOTAR (No-tail-rotor) - that fucker is silent and until its right on top of you, you don't hear shit, cirlce constantly for 30 mins without leaving.

From there they made there way across the mountain still doing there searches. Now this was the LOWEST, I have ever seen them. I'm talking bout standing out on my deck and being able to see the guy's face hanging out the door of the heli. Some scary shit foreal, seemed more like a show of force more then anything. Don't get relaxed just yet, I personally think that this Drug war is going to get worse before it gets better. All that talk about Obama legalizing marijuana, just doesn't sit well with me, but thats just me.

Other than that, lifes been good in Hawaii Nei, looking forward to summer and the long season ahead.
Good choice Craca,BT Cat. works just fine when used properly. These little bastards remind me of the movie 'Aliens". Remember they would bleed an acid like blood that would melt through steel? Well these little fuckers with their gunk remind me me of just that! Here I thought I was have a bad case of "Bud Rot",once again. As it turned out, I did have "Bud Rot",and Caterpillar problems too. Now do you get just the green little Catepillars, or do you also get the brown one's that sting too?

Craca102, I'm with you! I'm not sure of Obama's intent either with regard to cannabis.


Well-Known Member
aloha all, aunty here. got a problem with a white widow. the bugga is choise and healty but on some of the leafs there are little white squiggly lines, looking like a worm outline but nothing inside the leaf it self. any thoughts? mahalo.


Well-Known Member
big mahalo Dr. G and Random. thats it, leafminers. thank you again, gonna go outside and take care. random says to spray with neem oil tonight, will do.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Make sure if you foliar feed, wash the residue off before the sun gets intense

Aloha Aunty. I coming back next week. No excuses this time... Missed you last trip:)

The Latent Image

Well-Known Member
I have two that have flowered, do I need to maintain the 12/12 lighting? Or can I just leave them outside now even though the daylight is over 13 hours?


Well-Known Member
I have two that have flowered, do I need to maintain the 12/12 lighting? Or can I just leave them outside now even though the daylight is over 13 hours?
If they are indica-dominant plants... Then they will probably continue flowering... If you live in a valley area like I do, then you probably don't get the full 13 hours either..

Where I live only pure sativas actually go through a true veg cycle!! All my indicas autoflower :)


Well-Known Member
allriiight! Nothing wrong with tape Aunty, tape is my " friend" LOL
got the idea from you Dr.G. mahalo.
hey" latent", good to see you back up. i have a couple of sativas that started to reveg. i think i was giving them the wrong ferts. but my indicas are going right into flower. how is that plant you were having a problem with? the g13? hope it got better.
thunda, my dear, howz it?!! mahalo for the surprises,LOL!!

The Latent Image

Well-Known Member
Aunty, Good to hear from you too.

I believe the G13 Haze is Indica dominate. Thanks. Here's a couple of pics from today. Both are the same age only I put one back to 24 for another 2 weeks after I found out they were girls. Should have put them both in but need the smoke.

Also why the red lines on the stem?



Well-Known Member
Everything is doing good Aunty. Learning plenty about outdoor growing especially how impossible it is to keep an indica dominate in veg with our short hours of light. My indica dominates grow about a foot then start flowering, a couple sativas seem to be staying in veg i been feeding with fish emulsions. I also have more males than i was hoping for so im just gonna find the best of each strain and collect pollen for future breeding projects i like do, especially with some of the local strains.


Well-Known Member
I just made the fastest $1800 I have ever made just by knowing the right person and giving a ride to a friend to meet that person. Unreal aloha!


Well-Known Member
don't leave us hanging,kk.
latent, mean looking plants, lucky 'oe!! sorry about that G13. the one in the first picture is choise. good luck.


Active Member
Hey! its been awhile. My comp. went down. I think my last post was "the beans are in!" The Northern Lights is doing well. Super Stinky! Big Bug is looking very nice. Not liking how Bubblegum is doing. Way to big of a plant for me. Out of control! Put pics up someday. Peace!