Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Sup hawaiians... wanted to share my latest harvest a couple days ago.


Got them drying now. Almost ready to be cured. As im looking at the close ups im noticing some small leaves i should trim up a bit more. But watever... thats what happens when you trim at 130 am all blind... enjoy!
Sup brah nice bud the 1st picture looks like some diesel strain to me cannot wait till my ladies produces bud crip dam sativas why you take so long short season needs to hurry up

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
What kind of dry nutes do you recommend?
I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. But have been extremely busy these past several weeks! Okay, just get yourself a good base soil(Ocean Forrest ,Black Gold,or Down to Earth), or something like that. These soils have enough nutes & stuff to last roughly two weeks before you need to feed them. But if you add your own dry amendments. Then you won't have to worry about feeding after two weeks. For instance this is my soil & mix:

I mix everything in one of those blue kiddie pools. Perfect for mixing soils. So this is what I'm currently using.

Ocean Forrest(soil base)
Epson Salt
Worm Castings
Bat Guano
Green Sand

It's all about what works best for you. What are you currently feeding them?

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
right on puna! out of all the mags out there, I like skunk the best. haven't bought a mag in awhile tho. gonna go check that july issue out.
You know Doc., I'm kinda stoked writing an article for Skunk. It means a lot to me that a cannabis publication, like Skunk thinks highly of my growing skillz.kiss-ass But even better things down the road. I'm gonna start showing up in a few different publications too in the near future. Plus, I'm gonna be in the volume two 'Book of Sativas'. Plus, I got my eye on the Emerald Cup. I wanna make the trip just for genetics. As Cali by by far is the place to go for cannabis genetics these days, not Amsterdam!

I'd also like to come to Honolulu to see you and KKday, and a few others.


Active Member
Yeah man, mainlining looks like the way to go. Definately gonna give it a try. Hopefully the cuttings I took root, then it's mainlining time.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Got these 2 clones here from the Blue Hawaiian that I gave to a friend. She turned out female so I ran over and took 2 cuttings. Gonna main line 1 and use the other for a mother. I'm not having much luck getting a female from the seed I got. Just dropped 2 more maybe get a female this time. I'd like to drop all the seeds at once but I don't want to go over the limit. Helo as been circling my house for the last 4 days.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I've had internet problems so can't get on line most of the time. Thanks to Green Gage Genetics8-5-12 022.jpg and Puna my Col X Chem are great!!!8-5-12 024.jpg That is a 8 ft ladder.


Active Member
Yo east, how did u manage to get those ladies so nice and big. I mean, they are just the type off plants I would like to learn how to grow. Whatever ur doing, keep it up, shits tight. To puna, congrats on ur article for skunk. Gonma see if I can find it at holy smokes, that July issue. Keep up the great work braddahs. Shoots, alojahz


Well-Known Member
damn East! my mind = blown. You start those off indoor? How do you keep em from flowering instantly with these 13 hours of daylight? Also, how do you combat mold, its been a rainy summer here on moku o keawe?


Well-Known Member
Feeding them Blood and Bone and supplementing with Fish, Molassas, and AN Micro.

This girl is in organic soil with blood and bone and is getting fed GH FloraNova Bloom and Nectar.



Well-Known Member
WOW stunning plants, just amazing I LOVE SATIVAS.

Since my pics suck way more ill keep this short ans sweet.


From this ^^^

To this v v v

to this
6 seeds, got 6 plants, all healthy n' happy
Strain = Golden Tiger by ACE seeds

Image descriptions:
IMG_0295: Pretty GT#1 in plot A, one ft tall
IMG_0296: GT#1 again
IMG_0297: GT#2, also 1 ft
IMG_0298: GT#3 she is smaller but more thai dom I expect to see her explode these next few weeks.
IMG_0299: early strawberry guavas! all the rest are about halfway there, still green, ima make some hawaiian hillbilly hooch come harvest time.
IMG_0300: Heres my #1 suspect male (much more vigorous than the others in veg), I torture him with LST, FIM super cropping dont water it ETC he loves the abuse!
IMG_0301: 8 " GT's, on the right is natty, left i topped, then supercropped the topped looks better IMO.

now THIS my friends in incredible. A couple months back I went deep into the koolaus to find the perfect soil. I found a large patch of uluhe ferns, took the top soil (top 3") (which has the strangest texture, not like dark rich earthy soil, but soft, brighter red clay soil that just crumbles in your fingers. Lots of HUGE earthworms crawling around, killed a few :( I thought to myself this stuff HAS to be good! damn was I right

I knew this stuff had to be higher PH, added some lime, added some 20-20-20 gaviota fert, and look at the amazing tomato plant it grew! in a 3 gal clay pot!! (we will call this tomato#1)

I grew another tomato right next to it (tomato#2) in regular nothing special potting soil, not shitty not great either, kinda like supersoil ya know? Same sized pot.

Now heres the kicker, Tomato#2 (in reg soil) is infested with spider mites, has diseases, leaves falling off/yellow/ unhealthy looking and literally less than 6 inches away from tomato #1.

now tomato#1 (in uluhe fern forest soil) has beautiful green leaves, is putting out fatty little crisp healthy looking tomatoes not a SINGLE SPIDER MITE, NOT ONE!!!! WTF?!?!!?

This soil has MANA!!!!

IMG_0302: healthy uluhe fern forest soil tomato #1
IMG_0303: tomato#2 in reg soil.


I cannot wait to smoke my bud, I am literally DIRT BROKE, 5$ in the bank, no more money for bud, having horrible weed withdrawals, I can't eat, im irritable, get depressed. man im addicted. Sorry guys ill be snipping of small kine sample nugs 1 week into flower most likely.:wall: