Hawaii Growers

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Had to spend a few days in the hospital, But home now, Big Mama did her job, Her children are ALL over Puna and I got nuff meds for a long time.
Time to shut down an take it easy.

The ONE thing I learned ? It's about the LOVE, love them and they love you back !!!

10-4 over and OUT !
ROGER THAT!.... the doc grows dank with just love:cool:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
damn i feel sorry for those 64 transvestites...... drgreenhorn has a nasty overhand right... :bigjoint:

and i would like the meet the 2 trannies that got you lol... was big heSHEila one of them?
hahahaha:lol: hey man, it's what I do,,,, don't hate on a playa:hump:

and I can't win them all:D


Well-Known Member
hahahaha:lol: Hey man, it's what i do,,,, don't hate on a playa:hump:

And i can't win them all:d

let me know next time you get into it with then trannies... Ill call my boy ricki martin, and richard simmins, and little richard and the rest of my gang... We got ur back.... Just dont bend over.....


Well-Known Member
I forgot about my boy eddie murphy.. He in the mob too.. But i donno how down to ride he will be. He is partial to trannies ya dig?