Hawaii Growers

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
veg them indoors a little and bring them out in april.

use the natural sunlight during the day, then bring them in at night. basically vegging for 24 hrs using sun at day and cfl's at night

you been giving them any nutes? particularly nitrogen?
A few of my girls growing out on the lanai. Bunny ate one of them this morning though :( Was my biggest one too!

Question though, What are you guys doing for light cycles? I keep reading that everyone does 18/6 grow and 12/12 veg or something (indoors), but what should I be trying to do for my outdoor plants? Even outside since I kinda have to hide them behind some bamboo fencing they are only getting like...6-8hrs of direct sunlight and only 12ish total hours of sun. I assume they are just going to be short and bud on their own. Any ideas what I can do? Maybe get a few CFLs and keep them inside over night and hit them with that?
Heh sorry deleted the original post and made a new name.

I'm using Miracle Grow tomato blend 18/18/21. I think I have been using it to sparingly though. I use about 1/2 the recommended amount when I'm watering. I'll probably jack it up a bit next time. If I keep them just doing a 12/12 style sunlight only cycle, do you think that will keep them smaller? I don't really want them getting much higher than 3/4ft if possible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah let them get big. Read up on low stress training(lst),super croping, and fiming to keep them short and bushy.

You don't need to leave that light on all night to keep them in veg just put them under there just before sundown then take them back out at about 9pm in to the dark.
Holy crap thanks for that lst tip, I just started reading up on that and it sounds perfect for the area I have to work with. I'm not sure if my plants are to big to start lst, but I'll check tomorrow. Also gonna try your grow cycle idea :)

Those plants in the pictures are about 1.5 months old, do they seem small to you guys?


Well-Known Member
All my buds are turning purple...
Bubba completely turned purple..
Purple Bubblegum & Cinderella 99 are starting to turn purple..