Hawaii Growers

OMFG! rep+... Blast to the past..i got nostalgia of when i was a kid. My unlce used to grow like that back in the 80s. I cannot, I would be all para'z.
can you really grow big pot trees in hawaii? I mean liek those 10 foot 1 lb yeilding monsters. Because we dont get that much sunlight in the summer being on the equator. Like 12 hours tops. Have you guys ever seen monsters like that grown in HI?

listen grassified, you can grow monsters here in Hawaii. Back in the 70's I had a crop outside my house once again that averaged 8 to 12 feet in height. They could have been even bigger too. But I didn't want my ego to risk my crop getting ripped off. On the other hand my immediate neighbor had 14 footers easily. But his shit could be seen from Highway!!! To put it bluntly, I was super pissed because of this move. But that's another story for another day!
But for the record 15 footers are can be obtained in the proper environment in Hawaii! Good luck!!!
up con 3. i had a seed sprout this morning of christmas. and a merry one to all. the other 2 cracked and i have to leave them outside for 10 days while im gone i hope theyre nice and large by the time i get back and not waterlogged by the rain up here.
puna im kind of confused being an indoor growers and all. During the summer time we get like 12 hours of sunlight. and 12 hours of dark. How does this not put them into folowering immediatly? And how can they grow so big with such a small amount of sunlight?
puna im kind of confused being an indoor growers and all. During the summer time we get like 12 hours of sunlight. and 12 hours of dark. How does this not put them into folowering immediatly? And how can they grow so big with such a small amount of sunlight?

plants change when the light changes they dont automaticly know its 12/12 outside they change when it goes from 12/12 to something like 10/14 or something near that and thanks aunty! harvest around my birthday :D
So hows everybodies plants holding up, since this second storm is coming our way. Escpecially us big island boiz, since we're getting hit the hardest. I guess its pay back since the first storm hit the oahu guys the hardest, and we didnt get much of shit.
Me and da kids busted out the candles and flashlights and had a blast last night... too bad for my baby girl had her 24/24 light disturbed... arghhhhh!