having to get rid of plants (with a macguyver-like asthetic) (pics!)

due to spacial limitations I had to ditch two of my babies. not feeling like I really had given them the fairest chance and also seizing an opportunity to learn by experimentation, I decided I'd make a secondary stealth grow box. being stoned (business as usual), I naturally thought it would be perfect to assemble this in 15 minutes and for zero dollars with no preparation. I looked around my room for a little while and realized I owned literally nothing of substance that I could use. I took to the living room and came up with the goldmine. a travelling suitcase that belonged to no one imparticular and a lamp that my friend had used in his tattoo studio. with my newfangled knowledge of lightbulbs I noticed this had a 40w full spectrum cfl built into it! three minutes later and I had my stealth box. it has been dubbed "up in the air". I hope it inspires you.

these are bagseed. nothing serious.

fires always worry me but this lamp is protected against humidity and is the coolest feeling cfl I've ever touched. I'm not as worried about this as I am with the lights in my closet but they've been on 24/7 for 12 days so it's not so scary now.

if I need a bigger suitcase then I'll just rotate it vertically! viola!
oh also $15/mo renters insurance protects me financially against fires, even electrical! all growers should be looking into this amazing scam!