Having some problems please help


Well-Known Member
Forget the red leaf petioles, that plant has lived every day of it's life starved for light. Give it some light or give it up.


Well-Known Member
Gotta admit your plant is in great need of light, too spindly, looks like you're into flowering stage.


The leaves curling down could be due to over watering, and don't worry about the red stem. I wondered the same thing but apparently its normal. Also, I'm not sure if your plant is tied down or bending but if the light is too far, stack some boxes under your plant to bring it closer to the light.


Active Member
The leaves curling down could be due to over watering, and don't worry about the red stem. I wondered the same thing but apparently its normal. Also, I'm not sure if your plant is tied down or bending but if the light is too far, stack some boxes under your plant to bring it closer to the light.
It looks like slight over watering coupled with heat stress. Consistency is key! I usually water once a week or when my girls are especially thirsty. The top looks heat stressed I would recommend dropping the overall temps. Also adding more light or bringing yours closer while keeping the temps below 85 but above 70. Good luck man :)


Well-Known Member
The leaves curling down could be due to over watering, and don't worry about the red stem. I wondered the same thing but apparently its normal. Also, I'm not sure if your plant is tied down or bending but if the light is too far, stack some boxes under your plant to bring it closer to the light.
It's only normal in some conditions.. and this, is not one of those conditions - the plant is in desperate need of light as previously mentioned, and that's not something you ignore if you wish for it to grow, and get any form of bud off of it.


Active Member
The leaves curling down could be due to over watering, and don't worry about the red stem. I wondered the same thing but apparently its normal. Also, I'm not sure if your plant is tied down or bending but if the light is too far, stack some boxes under your plant to bring it closer to the light.
The stems can be indication of the plants natural coloring or iron deficiency...
It looks like the plants need a spectrum of micronutrients, more light, and not to be in flowering quite yet lol. Water when pots are almost dry but not bone dry. This is best judged by the weight of the pot, not the surface moisture content, as many good soils will keep moisture for quite a while. Excess trapped moisture can cause root rot which can weaken Cannabis plants to an early grave. Also, temps, as well as lack of light can account for stretching, spindly growth. When posting, try to remember to list your growing conditions (ie, Reative Humidity, Temps, Grow Medium, Nutes, etc). That will help everyone get the best answers for you! :leaf: