Having problems in my area

I get it bro. Sometime I wake up and then just go back to sleep 'cause I know they're out there......waiting, to flair up like a pack of hemmorhoids. They're everywhere too, so moving is out. I also suspect the delivery guy, so shit gets tight in my fridge. Hang in there, we'll figure it out.
I'm having problems in my area too. I know something is not right, because when I go out, people look me in the eye and hold it a little too long. I'm like "are you plottin on me?!?!?" or "what's your angle, MF!???" Why can't they just keep their head down and keep moving. It's the tells,....you have to watch for the tells. Like the delivery guy smiling when you open the door. MF knows. Or when they don't smile..... MF knows.

Shit ain't right.
i have had this problem for a couple or few years, i'm not sure what's going on but I went to the doctor and she said it was fungus and I used fungus creams and sprays and that might helped one of the problems or another problem but didn't solve the issue, it's like a sweaty rash but not really a rash but I get boils or cysts or some shit and my ass seems to leak a bit, no matter how well I while later on theres still mud I was thinking it might be because of my ethnicity and the fact i'm so hairy, I thought of shaving my ass but then i'm afraid of what it will be like with bumps and itch and whatnot, and I don't know what to do, I tried rubbing lemon slices on it and foot cream and neosporin and tough actin tanactin baby powder and rubbing alcohol which burned like crazy, they have all helped but don't solve the problem, I don't think it's an std I've been to the doc and have hpv and herpes and hep c but don't think it has anything to do with those issues, I was wondering if it might be mange but I think the alcohol would clear that up, i've had staph before and i'm always worried this will turn into staph, anyways if anyone has any advice on whats going on or how to fix it, id appreciate it
drink copious amounts of bleach. Cures all infections or disease.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, I have poured bleach into a bath and soaked in it.
And during the winter it's not so bad but when it starts to warm up and the snow melts so does my crotch it gets worse in the summer.
It smells to, sometimes I can smell it through my pants when i'm sitting down
Sounds heinous. I have a rash on my balls that moved up the shaft of my tool and is trying to spread down to my assynipple. I tried to ignore it for a few weeks hoping it would go away as it came, quietly. It does itch like a MF though and I hate having to pinch rub my nut skin in public, but the itch is like maddening so I have to. I thought about cutting holes in my pockets for easier access. The itch makes me so angry that I tried to fight fire with fire. When I was young and lived in the projects this older brother told me to use nair on my face so I wouldn't have to shave. I put the nair on and left it foe like an hour to make sure and it burned so bad it made my face red for like a week and people kept asklign me if I had been skiing. Anyway, I put this nair shit on my rash because I fight like that and it burned like a MF. I washed it off with cold water but the rash won in a unanimous decision. Now I have little bumps like herpes, but not, and I bought some Lotrimin. I've been smearing it all over and letting my balls out for most of the day. No underwear. It seems to be working a little. Maybe try that.
Sounds heinous. I have a rash on my balls that moved up the shaft of my tool and is trying to spread down to my assynipple. I tried to ignore it for a few weeks hoping it would go away as it came, quietly. It does itch like a MF though and I hate having to pinch rub my nut skin in public, but the itch is like maddening so I have to. I thought about cutting holes in my pockets for easier access. The itch makes me so angry that I tried to fight fire with fire. When I was young and lived in the projects this older brother told me to use nair on my face so I wouldn't have to shave. I put the nair on and left it foe like an hour to make sure and it burned so bad it made my face red for like a week and people kept asklign me if I had been skiing. Anyway, I put this nair shit on my rash because I fight like that and it burned like a MF. I washed it off with cold water but the rash won in a unanimous decision. Now I have little bumps like herpes, but not, and I bought some Lotrimin. I've been smearing it all over and letting my balls out for most of the day. No underwear. It seems to be working a little. Maybe try that.
Crazy, try spraying it with tough actin tanactin two or three times a day, be careful though it kind of dries it out.
It got rid of the fungus I had but I guess that wasn't the problem.
How is your dick ligament? Are you healing up ok? Will it be ok after or will you always be a lefty because of the incident? I hope it's doing alright.
Mine doesn't itch at least not really but it's all greasy and slimy feeling and sometimes it hurts and turns into volcano like boils
The ligament healed nicely, thanks. If the lotrimin doesn't work I'll try the tenactin. Is that like the spray at the bowling alley? When I was a homeless teen I had a pretty bad rash and no money so I went to a bowling alley and stole their shoe spray. I used that for a while and it worked ok.
Is that like the spray at the bowling alley? When I was a homeless teen I had a pretty bad rash and no money so I went to a bowling alley and stole their shoe spray. I used that for a while and it worked ok.
Yeah, that's the one
I like your style
Wow.. just wow..

That is all..

BTW.. I always knew that there was a reason why i loved beardo and Clayton..
And hey beardo.. I got the answer.. simply ask yourself .. wwggd? :)