Having problems in my area



lol :)

was only joking Mister, i'm 5, i get a kick from champagne.

Anyways i see you're well connected round here, apart of the furniture, have metal etc ... please don't kill me.
yeah pretty much, I mean I guess it's not really crime but i'm made to feel so uncomfortable it ought to be a crime, I can't even go for a walk, maybe it's just because it's summer, i've tried alcohol before maybe I'll buy some more alcohol and see if that helps

Beardo Im so sorry. I have the same problem. Been like this maybe longer than you. But it keeps coming/. Not in my ear but sometimes my feet. It is very serious. The neighbor hood seems to not understand. some of them any way ,.,.,.,How is your sister? How many kids do you and her have now.Do you still have the helicopter.
How about Clayton. He needs help they do not have fixes for. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????