Having nutrient problems, just had water tested.


Active Member
I'm having nutrient problems with my crop, I am on a community watershed and just recently started getting what looks to be nute lockout/deficiency.

I went and got my water tested to see if something in it was the problem, and got these results, just been having difficulty understanding them, wonderin if anyone can let me know if they see anything obvious in them. I see they say the ph is 7.4, but I always test it and its always 6.2, and i always feed at 6.2 also.



Well-Known Member
Based on your report, your water shouldn't be your issue. Post some pics of your plants along with info on what kind of food you're feeding and the doses your plants have been getting.


Well-Known Member
If they tested your water. Coming into your home and they got a Ph 7.4 I would say your Ph meter is off. There lab equipment is a little better than anything you and I have.
your not testing the Ph of your water at the appropriate tempature.


Active Member
Sorry took so long to update this, my water was way too cold, like 3 degrees, so I got a water heater and warmed it up to around 20. I got a digital ph pen, so I can keep the ph under control and be a little more accurate. I now have been making sure to adjust my water/food to 6.2-6.3. I just flipped a couple new babies into flower, a couple of them started to have leaves that started yellowing with the veins staying green, and it now looks likes all of them are starting to do that, and the leaves are starting to curl up a bit. I have attached some pics of the worst ones, maybe help with a diagnosis??

I alternate food with water, they are on day 6 of flower. I have fed them twice and watered them once (just fed today), here is what i gave them per 100L

GH Micro 200ml
GH Grow 150ml
GH Bloom 200ml
SM-90 75ml
Diamond Nectar 375ml



Well-Known Member
I water my plants at 6.3-6.5 this seems to be the best ph for me at least, my plants this grow have improved big time since last grow and I think ph is a major reason.