having more of a water issue causing a plant issue, i think


Well-Known Member
the little medicine holder on the right is filtered city water from work. the glass on the left is my well water, unfiltered from the tap! i dont even know what to think of this. i added the 3 drops as it told me to. i am going to look at undersink filters now, but i dont know what that will do to the ph. it almost seems dangerous if this is an accurate reading!!


Well-Known Member
Water is rarely the perfect PH when you start with it, no matter if it's tap, filtered, or bottled. Adding a filter to your tap water is probably a great idea, but don't expect a filter to correct the PH level.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a filter won't do anything to the pH. But i thnk once you add nutes, the pH goes down. Your tap isn't ideal but DEFINITELY better than the acid you call well water.


Well-Known Member
no, the well water is mine, the other is water i pretty much gank from work!!! LOL it is a pain in the ass to get enough water to mix up shit and what not though so i want a more permanent solution that isnt a pain in the ass. thats not what growin is suppose to be about ya know. my water is the red stuff, which is a ph of 4 or less by the chart. i did go to lowes, and i bought a water filter and the results are in the pictures. this is water straight from my well, after the filter. no special filter. i agree that the filter itself wont change the pH of water. i assume it did it because whatever is in my well water that is causing my pH (sediment, sand, are some of the items it filters) to go so low is being filtered out by the filter.


Well-Known Member
add ph up? seems like a pretty easy solution to me....that does seem extremely low though, but if the city water is the same way as the well water you have i wouldnt worry too much and just ph it and leave it out overnight.


Well-Known Member
my cities water is 8.5 and 350ppm. Got a RO and took ph down to 7 (still gotta add a little ph down) and my ppm down to 6