having leaf issues


Active Member
my leaf tips are brown, not sure y. i'm not over watering. what else could it b? should i prune off the brown from the tips? will it spread? any help would b much appreciated. "always leave a loved one with a blessing"


Well-Known Member
We're gonna need a lot more info than that. What's your medium, watering and nute habits, how old is your plant, is it in veg or flower, what's your lighting setup, ventilation, etc., etc.

A pic would also be a huge help.


Active Member
soil, 200 ml every 3rd day, Hesi nutes once a week, 29 days old(vegitating), the plant is on my window sill. it gets 15-16 hrs direct sun everyday, plenty of ventilation (strong wind has actually made a beautifully thick stem), srry camera broke couple days . thanks again


Well-Known Member
could be a no. of things , is your soil wet when your plants are getting sun the could be suckin that water up an burning your plants from inside out