Having a hard time figuring out what is going on...could use any suggestions

IMG_0107.jpgIMG_0108.jpgIMG_0106.jpgMy pants are 3 weeks along. 3 started from seed one is a clone. The clone is fine. My leaves keep crusting up and turning brown and dying. I seem to not be able to figure out what is going on.... here is what im doing..5 gal pots-fox farm ocean for soil-fox farm big grow two table spoons per gal every other feeding-water is 6.5 ph. under a 4' t5 light


Well-Known Member
Give us some stat's please, soil, fert, lamps, age ect.... Will help diagnose.

But to me that looks like some burn, touch the plant see how it feels you can tell so much about whats going wrong by how it feels at least I find.

Notice how the plants reacting also will help in diagnosis..


So, honestly what you should do is flush the plant x3 the amount of soil in each pot. So ... 1g pots... 3 G water... start fresh educate yourself on the PH of your soil and nutrients in your cups so this problem wont occur again!


Well-Known Member
The seedlings are probably quite over fed. Seedlings generally spend the first few weeks of their growing lives trying to establish roots so they do not need much food at all. I generally do not feed mine anything serious until about the 4th week and even then it is half strength feeding.

When I see them bushed up a little, and in particular, a large proportion of the leaves extend out beyond the edge of the pot, I know the roots have filled out much of the soil area and its ready for some adult food.

The reason I know this is because as a general rule the roots will reach out about 3/4 the length of the fan leaves. So if you look at your seedlings ou can see that the roots will only be filling out about the middle half of the pot. So they are not ready for adult food yet.

Seedlings do not have all the adult parts that clones have and that makes them quite susceptable to root burn.

Best to flush them and keep the feed to the bare minimum until you see the majority of the fans extend out to just over the edge of the pot rim.

I am not saying to not feed them, just saying that those burnt leaves to me look like an indicator of the roots being shocked by adult feeding. What you see above is generally what is happening underneath.

I marked out an area to aim for. When a plant bushes out that far that means the roots have nicely filled out the root area and the plant is ready to pump.



Active Member
Ur over feeding them
At this stage u dont need to add nutes. Ocean forest has just what ur baby needs to get them through vegging unless u plan on vegging for more than 2 months. I suggest cutting the nutes till u flower
Hope this helps
Good luck


Active Member
Looks like too much nutes mate. Flush them, let them dry out and start again with nutes at 1/4 strenght recommended on bottle.