Have you seen this?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys one of my clones I took a while back originally I thought it wasn't gonna make it so I took it out of its pot and placed it in a tub of water out the back of my house and forgot about it.

Well a few days later I saw it and it had new growth so I decided to put it in a 3 gal smart pot and left it outside with a few other clones I had..

Anyway few weeks later now I have this:


As you can see all growth has 3 fingered leaves and some just one leafs...

3 fingered leafs with outside two with straight egdes...

To compare here is a clone off the same mother plant


Be cool to see how it turns out I think.


Well-Known Member
Did you move it back indoors? Odds are there were enough hours of night outside for it to initiate flowering, then returning it to 18/6 or whatever veg cycle you run reverted it back to veg.


Well-Known Member
Yes was indoor plant, then I discarded outside, bee outside ever since in a 3 gal pot its growing pretty quick actually.

I suppose when I did put it out the days where shorter but we have longer days now.