Have you expierenced Cannabis+Salvia together? SHARE


Active Member
I only did it twice, hah after the first time I said I wouldn't do it again but I did... turns out both my trips were bad lol...

Salvia makes u trip balls and it's legal, hah tokin up before smoking salvia is even more f**ked up! I'm done, no more lol

My 2nd trip I was by a surburban swimming pool I thought I was in the medieval days and and I felt a paralyzing force pulling me in and i looked back and the chairs were talking to me, so i got up and walked around, turns out that a pool didn't exist in my trip lol i swear it was all ground! yea so I walked into the pool with all my clothes on, jeans, shirt, boots, watch...etc
I lost my valuables such as my cell phone, every important documets in my wallet was soaked. etc BAD TRIP

PS: I know I'm stupid for doing it by a pool lol but hey, tokin up before makes you irresponsible lol

So how about you guys? any bud+salvia stories you'd like to share? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
never tried it, because everyone I've ever talked to about it has had nothing but bad trips. lol, your story is now added to those and reaffirms my decision to just smoke weed.


Active Member
You wont always have a bad trip, you can control it, you just cant think of anything negative because it wont let you change subjects really. If you let the thought of "fire" in your head during a trip, you will more than likely see your surroundings randomly catching on fire then quickly burning out. If you smoke weed first, your prolly not gonna feel the salvia D. Have to mix them or have a salvia trip then get high. My first high, I couldnt stop laughing. Nothing has to happen, you just suddenly feel SOOOOOO happy and you dont care about anything else, but it can quickly change so be careful.


Active Member
like I said.. i'll NEVER do it again, haha call me wuss idc lol..

My 1st time doing it, I did it with a friend at the same time, i kept staring at him and he looked like a scared monkey and I was cracking up then everything changed, my 2 other friend that was suppose to lookout for us in case of anything kept pointing their finger in my face and playing with my nose while laughing at me and it was scary because I was tripping that everyone i loved had died and was slowly disappearing in front of me 1 by 1, and I was horrified that my only 2 friends that are left is being mean to me by pointing and laughing at me...

I remember it felt like a foreverness world that I was trapped in but it really only lasted about 3 minutes.. oops! at least i thought it was over for awhile then i was like "wait, am i back?" i literally thought I was dead and in hell lol.

and yea my friends were not being mean to me, i was tripping, they were just laughing at how scared i was.
darn them!:cry:


Well-Known Member
salvia rules.. never tried it with weed though..got 35 x one time sat on a hill and never experienced anything like it before one of my mates heads turned into a fruit machine and was spinnin round and i started like freakin out my head felt it was going at 100 miles an hour.. felt like it lasted two hours i was onli sittin there 5 to ten mins