Have you ever


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or if youve been smoking everyday for a good 3 or 4 months after awhile it gets really hard to inhale big hits..i dunno maybe i just got weak lungs:confused::blsmoke:


do you smoke cigarettes??? i have found that i cant/dont like to take big hits anymore.... i used to be mr. iron lungs, but i think my horrible cigarette habit has more to do with it than the daily smoking of weed...


Well-Known Member
I've found that now i can take bigger hits without coughing after smoking everyday for awhile.


Well-Known Member
wen i first started i could take big ass hits now every hit i take i be coughin like a mothafuka:confused:


Active Member
One of the best anti-coughing tips I've ever heard and use religiously:

If you inhale and feel the need to cough, blow out the smoke first. If you cough with smoke still in your lungs it will burn and you will cough uncontrollably. I swear by it.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
One of the best anti-coughing tips I've ever heard and use religiously:

If you inhale and feel the need to cough, blow out the smoke first. If you cough with smoke still in your lungs it will burn and you will cough uncontrollably. I swear by it.
i thought everyone knew that


Well-Known Member
i find that if i smoke here and there i cough more and take smaller hits...but if i smoke everyday for a period of time...i cough less and can take bigger hits...i guess my lungs build a tolerance or something...and maybe it is from cigarettes...cuz i dont smoke cigarettes...


Well-Known Member
i've had a friend who took THE BIGGEST double hit out of my double perculator, and he started to cough but he tried to controll it and hold it back,, he stopped coughing but TEN minutes later he burped and smoke came out!!!!

IT was hilarious!!