Have You Ever Taken A THC Pill?


Active Member
I have but they were homemade ones. They got me pretty high for about 6 hours. It was nice. Bit of a stomach ache for a bit but only for like 15min. For a constant user like me there are nice to have at times when smoking is not a option.


Well-Known Member
its just like an edible..its cool and a cheaper way of getting that body high without having to buy $15 edibles (if your a member of a co-op)..the pills kind of hit you faster cuz your body doesnt have to break anything down but thc oil or glyserin or whatever's in them pills lol..i'd pop 2 or 3 at a time and have a good body high for at least 2-4 hours..they probably have different strength pills to, i've only bought one brand so im not to sure on that.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
If you're talking about marinol, then their not that special. Only had one and I didn't get that high. Probably would have been more interesting to take in combination with smoking.