Have you ever been driving and all of a sudden you space out. Lol

Jumpin Jack

Well today i was at my friends house and finished my dinafems cheese.Well on my way home driving i got thinking of things and i spaced out for 10min and i snapped out of it i was like shit where the hell was i.LoL
It wasnt like i driving all mess up or nothing i just spaced out.


New Member
fawk ya,The first time ever did it,I was stopped at a green light in downtown Okachobee.No place for a stoned hippy to be


Well-Known Member
yeah happens to me a lot. i always wonder how i didn't crash after being lost in thought for so long..


Well-Known Member
I auto drive all the time. It's pretty scary when you stop and think about it. I'll get home or to work and not even remember the drive.


Well-Known Member
No! I ride a bike and put my life on the line each time anyway. Ill drive after a smoke for sure (I've been smoking weed for too many years) but if I'm not fit to drive then I'll wait and hold off. It's not just my life, there's others on the road too.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
One time i was driving all of a sudden i started panicking looking for my keys for like 10 seconds i was checking my pockets then i remembered i was driving!

Jumpin Jack

No! I ride a bike and put my life on the line each time anyway. Ill drive after a smoke for sure (I've been smoking weed for too many years) but if I'm not fit to drive then I'll wait and hold off. It's not just my life, there's others on the road too.
Its not weed smokers you better watch for its the drunks.


Well-Known Member
I spaced out once on my road bike
That was a bad feeling when i snapped out of it
I was like how did i get around those last corners
Then i started to panic hopeing it would't happen again
Then i couldn't feel my hands or arms holding on to the handles
Started to panic more thinking i should try to pull over or i'm history
Then in a flash i passed all those thoughts and good to go again

Jumpin Jack

No!I ride a bike! It's everyone on the road I watch for. Especially old people!
Its funny you say old people cause today i got behind this little red car doing like 15mph and when i got close to the rear end i could see granny with her curled up grey hair both hands on the wheel and still had problems keeping the car between the lines.So this goes on for about 3 miles untill she got confused like trying to pull in a store.Then im like fiippen out when i go by her.:cuss::cuss::cuss:
She is def. Somebody u better watch for on bikes.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I was good and ripped zoned out at a 2 way stop. Sat there for a few minutes waiting for the other lane to go before I realized it was in fact a four way stop and a cop was at the other sign. But it all turned out gravy baby.


Well-Known Member
I take like 3 dabs right before me and my neighbor head to work he rides with and im so fucked in the morning I dont remember driving there ever...just kinda zone n smoke my ecig then see my exit n think fuck heres 9 hours of hell


Steve French

Well-Known Member
Another one came to mind. Went and made some oil, smoked a bunch, went to rotten ronnys. Well shit, the drivethrough man called the cops when I fucked up my order. They pulled me over. I was right cooked, oil making utensils all over my vehicle, just lied and went with the flow, got away with er all. The best option to take when encountering Johnny Law.


Ursus marijanus
Not sure if this counts, but ...
This one time I fought to stay awake while riding a laden dresser into the teeth of a prairie wind. That thing Mack does in Cars? Oh yeah. Got the T-shirt


Well-Known Member
One time I was heading east passing through STL and I wasn't paying attention to my exits. If anyone has ever been to STL before once you get down town the interstate splits off a bunch of different ways. I'm just driving along but my gps on my phone is acting funny and telling me to make a U-turn and crazy stuff so turn it off and hope it will reroute itself. Turn it back on and it is telling me to take my next exit so I do. I pull off and where do I end up?? Right in the hoodest of the STL hoods xD. Shit looks like Iraq windows and doors are boarded up, people serving rock on the corner/off the porch, tennis shoes dangling over telephone lines. My phone keeps fucking up and rerouting I don't feel safe enough to stop at a gas station and ask for directions so after another 20-30 minutes of cruising through the ghetto I was able to find my way back to interstate and eventually home.


Well-Known Member
A couple of years ago on my way to the RIU BBQ, I missed my turn for Camp Far West lake and wound up driving up to the back gate to Beal AFB! Beal is a U2 spy plane base = HIGH SECURITY. Now, I had in the truck: 1 doz assorted clones, 2lbs of trim for hash making demo, 1/4lb of dried buds in jars!:o Talk about spacing out at the wrong time!......well they allowed me to trun around and leave with out getting out of the vehicle, thank god I don't smoke while driving!......


Well-Known Member
I space out intentionally each time wifey is driving.. which is the majority of time now.. I hate driving..


Well-Known Member
I space out intentionally each time wifey is driving.. which is the majority of time now.. I hate driving..
What are you trying to say about womens driving? I actually don't enjoy being KK's passenger in the car however he is fine on the back of the bike with me. He wouldn't ride the bike with me as his passenger though.