Have you ever been betrayed?

Ella Jean

New Member
Well, this is just a random question...Just wanna know if you guys have also experienced being betrayed, especially by a friend?What did you do?How did you cope with it?:-(

Ella Jean

New Member
you're right there fdd...i didnt know that you can really hate someone that much whom you have trusted for years...so sad there are friends that can really break the trust that you have given them...


Well-Known Member
For reasons such as these, im actually a hermit in my early 20's, I only have me my wife and my cat and my bird. I fully intend on keeping it that way, my wife concurs. lol

Ella Jean

New Member
you're such a lucky man..:)
im still living with my mom with a dog and cat for pets...;)
i just wish the bad feeling of being betrayed will go away as soon as possible...it is becoming a burden lately:(


that is indeed a deep statement Vacklang....care to explain?:wall: quote your source, pls...LOL:weed:
heheh..my dear frend..always remember that these betrayals are experiences that taught you valuable lessons in life especially about your compatibility and your priorities in life... don't be exaggerate the issue on a vocal level but analyze it within your heart.... :) however, make sure you do not become prejudice after all betrayals should not stop you from trusting people and making new friends...

cheer my dear frend..live life to the fullest..muah <3

Ella Jean

New Member
such a nice advice girl...but may i just ask...can you blame me if i feel this way?after all, i was a good friend to her...but she opted to do this...to hurt me...im not exaggerating the issue...i am actually trying to find inside my own heart the reason why she could have possibly done this to me....


such a nice advice girl...but may i just ask...can you blame me if i feel this way?after all, i was a good friend to her...but she opted to do this...to hurt me...im not exaggerating the issue...i am actually trying to find inside my own heart the reason why she could have possibly done this to me....
My dear frend, coping up with a broken friendship is quite hard, more so if you have no fault of yours. But, life goes on and you make new friends&#8230;you push away your hurtful past and learn a valuable lesson from it&#8230;
Anyway&#8230;as what one of my closest friends said&#8230;.. time will help you to heal the &#8220;wound&#8221;&#8230;. &#8220;IN TIME&#8230;&#8230;&#8221;&#8230;.
Keep smiling frend&#8230; :D AJAH!!!!!!!!!..yeah! LOLZZZZ


Well-Known Member
I ask myself, does this betrayal suggest that my friendship isn't as important to this person as (x). X can be money, sex, fame, which ever. If the answer is yes, and it usually is, the person is cut out of my life. Since most people are willing to step on your head for the sake of their own interests, I am left with an extremely small group of friends, but quality is better than quantity.

When meeting new people I give them the benefit of the doubt, but pay attention to their stories. If they brag to me about betraying someone else, stealing from someone, or otherwise screwing them over for personal gain, I don't give them a chance to do the same to me. Petty people are usually unable to resist bragging.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
By my bishop. He outed me to my parents. It was THE worst experience of my life. At the time I only told one of my brothers and swore him to secrecy. I'm glad I did. He was my advocate and my protector during a very difficult time. He died last month. I miss him very much. :(


Well-Known Member
To many times.
People will do some fucked up shit for money.It dont really bother me cause I know they will all eventually get theres


Active Member
Well, this is just a random question...Just wanna know if you guys have also experienced being betrayed, especially by a friend?What did you do?How did you cope with it?:-(
i kicked rocks and moved on ;0
theres a reason why those bastards dont exist in my current life