Have you enrolled in AHCA and what was your experience?

Un-true on the very face of it. Let us begin here. Are you now, or have you been insured, for anything that you chose? Have you ever been denied coverage for a technicality?

In your sheltered existence, I suppose you don't realize, that cancelling even your total shit policy, is the NAME OF THE GAME. Insurance is the biggest scam, in the Big Casino.

New Dullard Award.

All opPOsed??

Untrue, really?

Perhaps you should proof read my quote, I said "zero policies were cancelled because of government meddling in healthcare prior to Obamacare"

I'm not sure if it's you can't distinguish the difference in a cancelled policy from a denied a policy or or the government from the private sector. Because your little rant fell way short my friend.
Wise up.

let me take a guess why you are so bitter and persnickety.

1. You realized way too late that your history or liberal arts degree was basically useless.

2. No pussy in years

Am i close?
Untrue, really?

Perhaps you should proof read my quote, I said "zero policies were cancelled because of government meddling in healthcare prior to Obamacare"

I'm not sure if it's you can't distinguish the difference in a cancelled policy from a denied a policy or or the government from the private sector. Because your little rant fell way short my friend.
Wise up.

let me take a guess why you are so bitter and persnickety.

1. You realized way too late that your history or liberal arts degree was basically useless.

2. No pussy in years

Am i close?

You're just lashing out at everybody tonight. Don't worry slugger, you can slag me off all night if it makes you feel better.
In your sheltered existence, I suppose you don't realize, that cancelling even your total shit policy, is the NAME OF THE GAME. Insurance is the biggest scam, in the Big Casino.

New Dullard Award.

All opPOsed??

you may have just one upped greenlikemoney on the mental retardation factor.

You're just lashing out at everybody tonight. Don't worry slugger, you can slag me off all night if it makes you feel better.
Thanks for keeping it real bro.
I appreciate you not taking a cheap shot and singling me out, integrity goes a long way here.

Best regards,
Oh, no. This is called self singling. And it is a fact of life how this began for you. You engaged with smallness and had your ass shreds handed back.

Then say we singled you? You did that. Mono-manical to defend the indefensible,

And now you act passive aggressive about it? Just more small. Lay fallow. Gain some perspective. It is much better than lying, plain.

Have a nice day.
Untrue, really?

Perhaps you should proof read my quote, I said "zero policies were cancelled because of government meddling in healthcare prior to Obamacare"

I'm not sure if it's you can't distinguish the difference in a cancelled policy from a denied a policy or or the government from the private sector. Because your little rant fell way short my friend.
Wise up.

let me take a guess why you are so bitter and persnickety.

1. You realized way too late that your history or liberal arts degree was basically useless.

2. No pussy in years

Am i close?

Hey, Dullard. All insurance is based on govt meddling, you silly tap dancer. You have never had a policy canceled, is all. You the Dullard, said it was indisputable fact. I know people that had the policy cancelled WHEN they got sick and the company CLAIMED it was a pre-existing condition, so sue me.

Why not answer my questions about your total lack of like experience? Don't you think that covers you like a wet blanket?

And I won't bother with how far off your rat butt questions are. They are not questions of course, just P_A insults. Grade school.
If you want to start paystub waving and resume spew, draw down. Clear your smoke wagon, ball less. Draw!

Post a picture of your most recent paystub...leave out your name. We already know. Ball Less, is good enough.

So, if you are still confused to think I cannot be provoked to go micro-small, well, I hope this is cleared up for you now.
Hey, Dullard. All insurance is based on govt meddling, you silly tap dancer. You have never had a policy canceled, is all. You the Dullard, said it was indisputable fact. I know people that had the policy cancelled WHEN they got sick and the company CLAIMED it was a pre-existing condition, so sue me.

Speaking of Dullard, you just can't seem to wrap your frontal lobe around the fact that when an insurance company denies coverage, that decision is not because of the government regulating, overseeing or making them. Why is it so hard for your to understand the difference between the government and the private sector, my 16yr old nephew could get a grasp on this.

Why not answer my questions about your total lack of like experience? Don't you think that covers you like a wet blanket?

And I won't bother with how far off your rat butt questions are. They are not questions of course, just P_A insults. Grade school.

How can I answer such a vague and foolhardy question, experience in what??????

BTW, shouldn't a great mind like yourself be discussing ideas? LMAO
It it precisely because of govt regulation that they were allowed to.

Are you going to try to tell us now, there was no regulated insurance industry, before this?

Stupid is as stupid does.
Speaking of Dullard, you just can't seem to wrap your frontal lobe around the fact that when an insurance company denies coverage, that decision is not because of the government regulating, overseeing or making them. Why is it so hard for your to understand the difference between the government and the private sector, my 16yr old nephew could get a grasp on this.

How can I answer such a vague and foolhardy question, experience in what??????

BTW, shouldn't a great mind like yourself be discussing ideas? LMAO

My idea now is that your ideas are worse than worthless. Nothing personal at all.

And I cannot be held to that if you are going start kindergarten mud fights.

We are discussion the idea of your idea failures. It is still not personal, as you swerved, after you find your claptrap is challenged. That's the deep pattern, I mentioned. You are just the latest to fall on your face when challenged by insulting the members personally. The cannabis plants? You have none. The jobs you sneer at. The shit you make up about people and smear them with that.

And you have provided zero content, just spew.

Just look back. It is all there.
Experience in anything? You are just a young kid, in your mind development. That's all we see.

Nothing personal but the ideas are juvenile.
Are you now, or have you been insured, for anything that you chose to but not forced to insure? Have you ever been denied coverage for a technicality?

Do these questions seem like indecipherable gibberish to you?

Go back to TALK.
Are you now, or have you been insured, for anything that you chose to but not forced to insure? Have you ever been denied coverage for a technicality?

Do these questions seem like indecipherable gibberish to you?

Go back to TALK.

Ah, none of them.

Oh, no. This is called self singling. And it is a fact of life how this began for you. You engaged with smallness and had your ass shreds handed back.

Then say we singled you? You did that. Mono-manical to defend the indefensible,

And now you act passive aggressive about it? Just more small. Lay fallow. Gain some perspective. It is much better than lying, plain.

Have a nice day.

If I already didn't have my "gold" plan, I'd NEVER sign up BwanaCur. He can go fuck himself. I thought my plan sucked, before I saw what The One thinks is health care. More like indentured servitude.
Shall we go through this again? What was your choice? what was OUR choice? This Obama fellow or that other guy? Sure Obamacare is a mess, but recall that the other fella implemented much the same thing in his state, and last I heard, they liked it. Now figure that this other guy turned his back on the very plan he implemented. Great, you have health care through your company, what guarantee did you have of that continuing regardless of Obamacare?

Then you might be out in the cold like some of the rest of us. That would certainly put a crimp in your retirement fund - I assure you.
You forgot to mention that OTHER guy was like 1000 times smarter than obamao and all of his cronies combined.
You were all told that this guy is nothing but a chocolate covered turd salesman you elected.Well how does shit taste? you bought it.
The dems broke it..they buy it.
People are really tired of this bull shit economy being run by the federal reserves money printing to support a bankrupt country.
This country is slowly dieing.One day we will wake up and it all will be collapsed. It is inevitable because of the debt and corruption.
Everyone in the world is preparing for the collapse of the US dollar.Everyone but US.
A pile of these slug ass republicans need to go.All of the democrats need to go.
As a libertarian i pledge to shut this cluster fuck of a monster down if you vote for our party WE MEAN IT TOO restore the constitution and freedom to this land once again.
What do you have to lose in voting for libertarians?You have already lost your freedom and economic prosperity.
Wake the fuck up people.You are in the middle of a war for your freedom.
These progressives think they can steal our freedom forever and get away with it.History once again has proven them wrong for thousands of years.
When it gets to where it is more miserable to live than to die is that how bad you will let it get before you wake up?
If I already didn't have my "gold" plan, I'd NEVER sign up BwanaCur. He can go fuck himself. I thought my plan sucked, before I saw what The One thinks is health care. More like indentured servitude.

Since you are railing, I am with you. :)

If you try to support one side or the other, you are wrong.