Have to read this is a cc of letter to norml lawyers.


guys really what you're saying is all truthful. I found my God and my limits in jail. I seperated the bullshit from the truths. I'm good. I caught these quick, with as mixture of stupidity and being too trustful, caught these under admittadly craZY CIRCUMSTANCES. Can happen to ANYONE. Atleast that part...ok it's like kids fucking around in your house on vacation and call cops if they found crop. Just crazy. She has two floors above me AND the ENTIRE garage, making no car get garage, btw. Besides the back side STORM DOORS this lady has no way of getting in there. Unless through my apartment. It's impossible to go from tops floors to basement. I helped the son move his shit out of there. He was the one squatting free in the apartment I'm now in. Apparently, from BOTH neighbors, she had this pegged for her kids use or a friend. They were haggling over rent. I see the place, (Friend of friend thing), and immediatley jump on it. I EVEN talked up the son all day EMPTYING basement, making sure even the lady SAID it was all cleaned out...in fact I joked what if i grew weed? He's like 25 seemed cool..he said she wouldnt no or care for sure. Looked me dead in the eye. That look. Hell yeah some mistakes made on my part, ...but this as bad as it seems. A real case of a women breaking in my place then reporting illegal activity based on that. On purpose. Thats FUCKED UP. So unless your French, or even then, WTF BROTHERS. MY LAUNDRY machines are down there. Hers are in her apartment. There never was or is any question to basement. I checked. Me and real estate and lady sat down and specified and again made sure nothing was down there and she was literally, "Not permitted", in the basement no more than two months ago. My landy lady has original ad or something saying exclusive basement with laundry. Even my worst critic....this lady really really really did that shit purposely. She planned it. Even new my sad story, and risked me going upstate for a while, (She didnt know), in order to get me out of there and get her way.

Listen I can give you other defining momnents..like telling me to repair things ALL WEEKEND LONG,, then telling my landlords in Ireland I'm changing everything and so on. I go to vbed at 10. I'm polite. Barely asny guests besides gf and kids EVER...I don't do ANYTHING. Worst yet the fucking realestate people warned me she had a reputation of sneaking around. You know and I'm trusting her thinking she feels ok with me im kinda like trying to take care of shit man of house stuff to her diresction you know...then this...so forget all the bs before...does anyone see anything glare out that says they drop charges? or anything ive added? They wont go to trial on a witness saying she knew that shit. Paper or not.


Well-Known Member
that sux man. this woman straight up fucked you over. the evidence they will charge you on will be the plants and equipment they seized when they searched the basement. You have to prove that the search was conducted illegally. did the police ever get a search warrant signed by a judge to conduct their search? You really should try to get a lawyer


Well-Known Member
like he said, you need to beg borrow and steal to get yourself a good attorney. I'm not sure if the area in question is private however. Sounds like its a common area to me and if the woman gave the cops permission... your SOL in terms of throwing it out.

You need weed and your trying to keep the criminal element out.. but I think a person like yourself has to really look at the potentia punishments. Instead of being busted for carrying a bag, now your facing cultivation charges.... yikes!!

It seems to me that you would have already learned not to trust most people by now.


that sux man. this woman straight up fucked you over. the evidence they will charge you on will be the plants and equipment they seized when they searched the basement. You have to prove that the search was conducted illegally. did the police ever get a search warrant signed by a judge to conduct their search? You really should try to get a lawyer
no warrant. upstairs tenants hearsay alone cops went in.


again thanks for all the feedback. Couple you guys going out of yourt way to be cool. Even my critics, you know, I'm learning you have to accept everything throw n out you, and then do a real self assesment. Look, my charges were from like a month ago. I didnt even post here till the day before my court apprearance. I didnt come running in here joining this site, and crying for help. I also understand risk= consequences. So even though mine are fucking retardly horrible if not criminal. The charges are still there. My ONLY hope to keep profff licenses, and get a certificate of disability from the government is to have this squashed. Period. Gotta be the search. She has her own common room areas. Her own entrances. We have no communal speace between us. The real estate lady in charge specifically spoke to all three of us regardoing that as she was leary to this woman's intentions early. Clued me in the, "Great work" I was doing to repair the place was in fact (FRom upstairs to my lanlord), me indiscriminintly changing the house without permission.....so......and this order of protection scares the shit out of me. Come on, would a DA got to trial on a sympathetic case, that, btw could have witnesses to her bullshit. Like objective third party? In charge of house maasters when he is over seas...come on!! only in the lease it works??!


Well-Known Member
fuck it, if its a shared area blame her the twat, tell them she stored some lights and shit there but you never took much notice,,, throw it back at the bitch......good luck man..


Well-Known Member
fuck it, if its a shared area blame her the twat, tell them she stored some lights and shit there but you never took much notice,,, throw it back at the bitch......good luck man..
^^^^ This..... would work if there are no fingerprints.

First off, get something in writing that upstairs tenant was told verbally that she did not have access to basement. If you can get that, you may be able to get the confiscated evidence squelched and the case tossed. Your defense is two-fold, illegal search and seizure and medical. Establish your past history and then explain the 19 months of soberness because of marijuana.

Secondly, contact NORML for legal assistance in setting up a medical defense and possibly assistance from a pro MJ attorney in your area.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ This..... would work if there are no fingerprints.

First off, get something in writing that upstairs tenant was told verbally that she did not have access to basement. If you can get that, you may be able to get the confiscated evidence squelched and the case tossed. Your defense is two-fold, illegal search and seizure and medical. Establish your past history and then explain the 19 months of soberness because of marijuana.

Secondly, contact NORML for legal assistance in setting up a medical defense and possibly assistance from a pro MJ attorney in your area.
sound advice mate,, but if it is a shared area fuck fingerprints,, you just moved her shit out the way now and again...


Well-Known Member
.... I had 5 pot plants no bigger than 2 inches.....
......Charged with PL 221.05 and PHL 3382.
prior convictions may be a problem but normally,pl221.05 (possession of small amount) is a violation and is normally thrown out. PHL3382 (cultivation) is a misdemeanor and a more serious charge but to convict, they need to test the "pot" to make sure it is what they claim it is & not some other plant. if your plants were less than 2 inches tall.I doubt they will have enough to test & if they do,will the plants have enough thc to show up? if you had no priors, I would say no worries but in your case,you need a lawyer to make sure it gets dropped.
yrs ago my uncle had 2 plants in his yard. a neighbor ratted him out & the cops showed.at arrest,they weighed the plants rootball & all and charged him cultivation over 3 pounds( 2 plants,about a foot high,still in veg) by the time it got to court,only dried smokeable material was allowed as evidence so the ammount was reduced to about 8 grams.the DA decided to drop charges considering the testing cost more than the fines involved. hope your case goes as well.