Something weird happened to me last night, I thought of this thread. I celebrated a harvest coming up, smoked alotta buds, then took a shower. While I was in the shower my stomach started hurting really bad and I got extreamly light headed. I leaned against the wall and next thing I now I wake up laying on the bottom of the shower. I then tried to get up and shut the water off, halfway through doing so I realized I couldnt hear anything, then I looked in the mirror, and no lie, I looked white as a fucking dead man. I mean my lips where straight white. I sat down for a bit and took deep breaths, and I was able to hear again. It was the craziest shit I've ever endured. If anyone knows what hat could have been, please let me know, Its the first time that happened, I assume It was realated to bad food or something, but man It was intense